Charts are not available!

List of all pages, sorted by their size:

  1. 143017 FinnAplIdiomLibrary
  2.  61633 BadContent
  3.  50495 SudokuSolver
  4.  32074 wpfXamlDemo
  5.  29465 Studio/HtmlWithClasses
  6.  29382 LearnApl/AplTables
  7.  28401 ImageFilesWithDyalog
  8.  23929 PlayingCards
  9.  21396 HelpOnAuthentication/ExternalCookie
  10.  21271 LearnApl/BuiltInFunctions
  11.  20656 LearnApl/AplVariables
  12.  19282 LearnApl/SimpleArithmetic
  13.  19165 LearnApl/FunctionsAndOperators
  14.  17950 UnicodeForAplers
  15.  17441 SolitaireGame
  16.  16672 LearnApl/AplData
  17.  16261 wpfXmlBindingDemo
  18.  16099 HelpOnAccessControlLists
  19.  15034 WikipediaAplPageRevamp/WikiDraft
  20.  14656 LearnApl/AplFunctions
  21.  14330 HelpOnAuthentication
  22.  14303 netDataTable
  23.  14267 LearnMoreApl/AplClasses
  24.  14092 sfExcel
  25.  13384 Studio/FunWithWordSearch
  26.  13254 Studio/EncodeDecodeDates
  27.  13202 AplIn20Minutes
  28.  13071 AplToUnicodeII
  29.  12356 ConfiguringMailAndNewsReaders
  30.  11944 UnicodeAplTable
  31.  11794 .Net GUI and Graphics
  32.  11594 apwResUtil
  33.  11260 ErrorTrappingWithDyalog
  34.  11218 LocalSpellingWords
  35.  11092 HelpOnConfiguration
  36.  11074 HelpOnParsers/ReStructuredText/RstPrimer
  37.  10774 LearnApl/AplWorkspace
  38.  10657 LanguageSetup
  39.  10648 netCSV
  40.  10609 HelpOnLinking
  41.  10439 HelpOnConfiguration/EmailSupport
  42.  10387 wpfXamlEditor
  43.  10351 Working Practices - Chris Hogan
  44.   9735 GameOfLife
  45.   9665 LearnMoreApl/ArrayTypeAndPrototype
  46.   9638 RoundaboutWayOfEnteringUnicode
  47.   9585 netXML
  48.   9561 HelpOnMoinWikiSyntax
  49.   9552 RegularExpressionsWithDyalogAndDotNet
  50.   9469 HelpOnBasicFormatting
  51.   9384 CryptographyWithDyalogAndDotNet
  52.   9231 HelpOnMoinCommand
  53.   9224 Utf8orNot
  54.   9125 CsvToApl
  55.   9081 netFreeImage
  56.   9011 HelpOnMacros
  57.   8806 WhatIf
  58.   8797 TaxiCabNumbers/Solution
  59.   8776 LearnApl/AplOperators
  60.   8739 HelpOnSpam
  61.   8549 LearnApl/IntroducingApl
  62.   8491 AplCharacters
  63.   8155 LearnApl/AplOverview
  64.   7871 wpfOokiiDialogBox
  65.   7863 LearnMoreApl/SelectiveSpecification
  66.   7688 HelpOnThemes
  67.   7507 HelpOnMacros/MonthCalendar
  68.   7475 SeeSaw
  69.   7333 Studio/FunWithText
  70.   7292 netDIO
  71.   7270 Studio/SecretMessages
  72.   7194 EditingGuidelines
  73.   7126 MessageDigestHash
  74.   7062 UlamSpiralOfPrimes
  75.   6824 BAALondon/BaaLondonMeeting2008-11
  76.   6788 LearnApl/ErrorHandling
  77.   6761 AplToUnicode
  78.   6701 HelpOnParsers/ReStructuredText
  79.   6665 apwPicUtil
  80.   6662 HelpOnActions/AttachFile
  81.   6658 HelpOnSubscribing
  82.   6394 GlossaryOfAplTerms
  83.   6282 HelpOnUserPreferences
  84.   6267 HelpOnTables
  85.   6192 WikiSandBox
  86.   6109 HelpOnEditing
  87.   6056 HelpOnActions
  88.   6026 HelpOnParsers
  89.   6002 netVaria
  90.   5901 FitUtil
  91.   5898 netAboutBox
  92.   5815 DiscoveringApl/AplAndTypography
  93.   5636 PascalsTriangle/Solution
  94.   5603 wpfDialogBox
  95.   5586 HelpOnSmileys
  96.   5518 LearnMoreApl/Indexing
  97.   5501 apwComUtil
  98.   5362 CompareIt
  99.   5353 TheThreeGoatsII
  100.   5344 APL2000CompareCode
  101.   5127 HelpOnXapian
  102.   5085 HelpOnPackageInstaller
  103.   5004 ConfigureYourBrowserForUnicode
  104.   4980 Transfer code
  105.   4900 SendingEmailDyalog
  106.   4900 HelpOnSynchronisation
  107.   4780 HelpOnRobots
  108.   4708 HelpOnCreoleSyntax
  109.   4687 EmptyArraysAndPrototypes
  110.   4682 HelpOnProcessingInstructions
  111.   4609 HelpOnNavigation
  112.   4588 HelpOnLists
  113.   4580 BAALondon/BaaLondonMeeting2009-02
  114.   4544 UserCommands/ListObjects
  115.   4515 HelpOnImages
  116.   4514 WhyTestCases
  117.   4507 SieveOfEratosthenes
  118.   4497 HelpOnNotification
  119.   4480 netDateTime
  120.   4457 LearnMoreApl/PervasiveFunctions
  121.   4442 SpecialCharacters
  122.   4430 JimBrown
  123.   4416 EventLog
  124.   4261 HelpOnSearching
  125.   4243 Studio/ConvexHull
  126.   4240 HelpOnMoinCommand/ExportDump
  127.   4192 HelpOnFormatting
  128.   4189 Left, Right, or the Same?
  129.   4188 TypingIntoTheWiki
  130.   4152 DirectoryInfo
  131.   4131 HelpOnVariables
  132.   4083 RegistryInfo
  133.   4075 DiscoveringApl
  134.   4063 ExcelPackage
  135.   4055 HelpOnEditLocks
  136.   4032 FrontPage
  137.   4029 HelpOnXmlPages
  138.   4010 HelpOnMacros/MailTo
  139.   3962 HelpOnSessions
  140.   3953 Studio/LetterDiamonds
  141.   3944 SIGAPL/APL2007
  142.   3936 ErrorTrappingInDyalogForms
  143.   3874 SamplePageTemplate
  144.   3870 EllisMorgan
  145.   3869 WhichApl
  146.   3858 HelpOnConfiguration/SurgeProtection
  147.   3854 LearnMoreApl/Display
  148.   3829 netTCP
  149.   3815 WikiTipOfTheDay
  150.   3776 GraemeRobertson
  151.   3746 Jasper
  152.   3723 BAAEdgarWallace
  153.   3598 UserCommands/WhereShouldTheyGo
  154.   3597 Working Practices - Phil Last
  155.   3497 LearnMoreApl/BindingStrengths
  156.   3494 HelpOnSlideShows
  157.   3473 LearnApl/LearningApl
  158.   3472 RunningBAALondon
  159.   3457 HelpOnAutoAdmin
  160.   3455 netCOM
  161.   3451 HelpOnMacros/EmbedObject
  162.   3370 BAALondon/BaaLondonMeeting2009-01
  163.   3360 MODBUS
  164.   3345 BooksAndPublications
  165.   3315 LearnApl/FormattingOutput
  166.   3284 sfZip
  167.   3165 netUDP
  168.   3161 sfDoubleTextBox
  169.   3160 HelpOnGraphicalEditor
  170.   3156 AplVideos
  171.   3147 HelloWorldTcpIp
  172.   3138 r2apl
  173.   3089 MarvinSmoak
  174.   3066 WinFileVersusFilesAndDirs
  175.   3014 TenGoodThingsAboutApl
  176.   3005 HelpOnDrawings
  177.   3005 WinFile
  178.   2976 CategoryArticles
  179.   2952 Probabilities/3goats/Solution
  180.   2939 FrontPage/AboutTheWiki
  181.   2928 HelpOnMacros/Include
  182.   2911 HelpOnGroups
  183.   2910 WikipediaAplPageRevamp
  184.   2906 FastFourierTransform
  185.   2900 PresentAPL
  186.   2853 BAALondon/BaaLondonMeeting2009-08
  187.   2837 netHTTP
  188.   2822 HelpOnConfiguration/UserPreferences
  189.   2778 MikiyContentManagementSystem
  190.   2739 HelpOnSpellCheck
  191.   2728 A Positive Outlook on APL
  192.   2724 SemanticDensity
  193.   2668 LearnMoreApl/VectorNotation
  194.   2662 BAALondon/BaaLondonMeeting2009-03
  195.   2640 DiscoveringApl/SomeAplExamples
  196.   2602 MortenKromberg
  197.   2594 OnAPLsHistory
  198.   2576 ConfigureYourBrowserForApl
  199.   2539 AboutApl/AplsAndRelatedLanguages
  200.   2476 AuthorConventions
  201.   2457 Articles
  202.   2457 HelpOnLanguages
  203.   2452 AuthenticatedEmail
  204.   2451 LearnApl/EnteringAplSymbols
  205.   2439 Studio/GrilleCyphers
  206.   2431 Studio/GameOfLifeAnimation
  207.   2421 TestPhil
  208.   2387 ml2apl
  209.   2361 HelpOnConfiguration/SupplementationPage
  210.   2342 HelpOnDictionaries
  211.   2293 HelpOnComments
  212.   2284 Open Source APL: NARS2000
  213.   2268 PrimersAndTutorials
  214.   2157 HelpOnUserHandling
  215.   2135 XsltTransform
  216.   2128 DiscoveringApl/WhyVectors
  217.   2112 HelpOnConfiguration/SecurityPolicy
  218.   2019 AtomicVector
  219.   2009 TrustedGroup
  220.   2003 BeginnersStartHere
  221.   1997 RetroAPL
  222.   1969 BAALondon/BaaLondonMeeting2010-01
  223.   1969 apwFitUtil
  224.   1960 DiscoveringApl/ShockingBrevity
  225.   1960 HelpOnOpenIDProvider
  226.   1957 WinZip
  227.   1928 Community/WebResources
  228.   1928 BeauWebber
  229.   1925 HelpForBeginners
  230.   1891 HelloWorldHtml
  231.   1891 SpellNumbers/Solution
  232.   1889 WikiName
  233.   1888 IBeamsWithDyalog
  234.   1862 EMailsWithDotNet
  235.   1860 Working Practices - Dick Bowman
  236.   1859 sfPropGrid
  237.   1842 netUpperLowerCase
  238.   1821 WikiHomePage
  239.   1817 HelpOnEditing/SubPages
  240.   1816 WikiCourse/07 The text editor
  241.   1788 RegularExpressions
  242.   1771 WhyYouShouldHaveAnAccount
  243.   1761 HelpOnCategories
  244.   1748 WikiCourse/16 Wiki internal links
  245.   1688 HelpOnLinking/NotesLinks
  246.   1678 UnderstandingFontEmbedding
  247.   1674 MessageDigestHashNet
  248.   1665 LearnMoreApl/MultipleSpecification
  249.   1654 HowToBecomeAnAuthor
  250.   1652 HelloWorldGui
  251.   1650 UserPreferences
  252.   1624 BAALondonVenues
  253.   1593 ZippingWithWindowsShell
  254.   1581 LearnMoreApl/FurtherTopics
  255.   1530 TaxiCabNumbers/Task
  256.   1522 HelpOnSuperUser
  257.   1511 UserCommands/Hex
  258.   1507 FindPage
  259.   1493 WikiCourse/01 What is a MoinMoin wiki?
  260.   1493 EditingGuidelines/attachments
  261.   1481 HelpOnAdmonitions
  262.   1468 WikiWikiWeb
  263.   1457 HelpOnUpdatingPython
  264.   1445 HelpOnHeadlines
  265.   1401 HelpOnLogin
  266.   1392 HelpOnTemplates
  267.   1384 HelloWorld
  268.   1383 DevelopmentTools
  269.   1375 WikiCourse/15 Tables
  270.   1344 TestPage
  271.   1342 Community
  272.   1331 HelpOnAdministration
  273.   1330 InterWiki
  274.   1328 WikiCourse/52 Structure in the wiki
  275.   1314 BAALondon/BaaLondonMeeting2010-02
  276.   1311 WikiCourse
  277.   1311 WikiCourse/04 Creating a wiki account
  278.   1295 FD Armingaud
  279.   1281 Probabilities/3goats/Task
  280.   1269 LearnApl/TutorialContents
  281.   1263 HelpContents
  282.   1253 WebInterface
  283.   1251 ChrisHogan
  284.   1251 DyalogMigrationLevels
  285.   1224 UltraEdit
  286.   1220 TestBasics
  287.   1219 HelpOnConfiguration/FileAttachments
  288.   1198 BAALondon/BaaLondonMeeting2010-07
  289.   1193 BobFree
  290.   1187 Studio
  291.   1175 BobSmith
  292.   1158 APL68000
  293.   1155 FortuneCookies
  294.   1135 WikiCourse/02 Finding information
  295.   1133 Misc/SupportedPlatforms
  296.   1120 HelpOnPageCreation
  297.   1118 CategoryDyalogDotNetUtilities
  298.   1109 WikiCourse/10 Text layout with wiki markup
  299.   1105 WikiCourse/20 Dynamic content
  300.   1103 CharlotteCarr
  301.   1092 Misc/Vendors
  302.   1079 WhyUsingCategories
  303.   1076 BaaLondonInitialCritique
  304.   1072 CategoryWorkingPractices
  305.   1065 AboutApl
  306.   1041 MakeUglyAplFontNice
  307.   1039 APL In 2020
  308.   1034 Community/UserGroups
  309.   1033 WikiCourse/50 Wiki etiquette
  310.   1032 MissingHomePage
  311.   1026 CategoryDyalogWpfUtilities
  312.   1022 RecentChanges
  313.   1021 SpellNumbers/Task
  314.   1009 HelpOnPageDeletion
  315.   1004 AplRelatedLanguages
  316.    999 HelpForUsers
  317.    986 AplHistory
  318.    977 WikiCourse/03 Staying up to date
  319.    977 BAALondon
  320.    972 UserCommandTemplate
  321.    968 WikiCourse/06 Your own wiki homepage
  322.    961 UserCommands
  323.    950 WikiCourse/18 Attachments
  324.    918 MeaningOfLife
  325.    915 WikiCourse/30 The graphical editor
  326.    894 Misc/Training
  327.    877 WikiCourse/40 Creating more pages
  328.    876 MoreAboutWikis
  329.    874 WikiCourse/17 External links
  330.    869 WikiCourse/05 User preferences
  331.    859 CategorySyncfusionWpfExamples
  332.    852 HelpOnSlideShows/100 Creating the slides
  333.    851 CategoryDyalogExamplesDotNet
  334.    851 WikiCourse/21 Macros
  335.    850 PaulDowney
  336.    845 DyalogSuggestionTemplate
  337.    842 XsltVersion
  338.    841 HelpOnSlideShows/900 Last but not least: Running your presentation
  339.    829 WikiCourse/12 Headlines
  340.    827 GetPath
  341.    826 LearnApl/Discussion
  342.    821 BaaLondonPublicyForMeetings
  343.    817 CategoryPuzzles
  344.    817 HelpOnRules
  345.    813 BaaLondonSeeingAPL
  346.    804 DyalogSuggestionsHistory
  347.    802 ClassicPapers
  348.    801 CategoryCategory
  349.    795 BAALondon/BaaLondonMeeting2009-10
  350.    794 WikiCourse/11 Paragraphs
  351.    783 GeometryProblem
  352.    782 WikiCourse/08 Hot Keys
  353.    778 BaaLondonNextMeeting
  354.    773 SyncJobTemplate
  355.    769 WikiCourse/51 Applications
  356.    766 Studio/SimpleExamples
  357.    760 HexAndText
  358.    754 HomepageReadWritePageTemplate
  359.    753 BAALondon/BaaLondonMeeting2010-04
  360.    747 HelpOnSlideShows/000 Introduction
  361.    745 Studio/FunWithFunctions
  362.    743 BAALondon/BaaLondonMeeting2009-05
  363.    741 HomepageReadPageTemplate
  364.    738 CategoryEssays
  365.    736 WikiCourse/14 Text styles
  366.    731 EditingGuidelines/OwnedPages
  367.    713 WikiCourse/13 Lists
  368.    712 BAALondon/BaaLondonMeeting2009-11
  369.    707 HomepageGroupsTemplate
  370.    688 ProjectGroupsTemplate
  371.    680 StephenTaylor
  372.    678 CategoryUnicode
  373.    661 CategoryBAPLA09
  374.    647 ProjectTemplate
  375.    640 Ian Clark
  376.    638 PascalsTriangle/Task
  377.    632 SendingEmail
  378.    630 BAALondon/BaaLondonMeeting2009-09
  379.    630 FAQs
  380.    630 MissingPage
  381.    623 BaaLondonLinks
  382.    623 CategoryDyalogUserCommands
  383.    618 BaaLondonRegularAttendees
  384.    613 MoinMoin
  385.    613 CategoryTechnologies
  386.    592 CategoryEmail
  387.    592 Examples
  388.    586 EditingGuidelines/administrator
  389.    585 Community/Forums
  390.    582 CategoryBaaLondonMeeting
  391.    566 BAALondon/BaaLondonMeeting2010-03
  392.    564 HelloWorldSession
  393.    556 WhatIsAWiki
  394.    540 CategoryAPL_Next
  395.    521 UserCommands/GetMsgFrom
  396.    521 CategoryTemplate
  397.    516 GetViaHttp
  398.    513 RichardProcter
  399.    511 CategoryGeneralHowTo
  400.    509 CategoryConferences
  401.    509 CategoryDyalogUtils
  402.    508 CategoryAlgorithm
  403.    507 CategoryDyalogDfns
  404.    505 TotalCommander
  405.    504 BAALondon/BaaLondonMeeting2009-06
  406.    502 CategoryScience
  407.    500 CategorySharp_APL
  408.    500 StefanoLanzavecchia
  409.    500 WikiCourse/22 Parsers
  410.    499 CategoryMaths
  411.    497 CategoryAboutApl
  412.    495 CategoryJava
  413.    495 CategoryRuby
  414.    494 CategoryDigitalSignalProcessing
  415.    494 SteveRogers
  416.    484 WikiCourse/23 Actions
  417.    479 KrisKafka
  418.    473 BAPLA09Appreciation
  419.    471 AboutVisualApl
  420.    469 Utils
  421.    469 GrahamSteer
  422.    463 CategoryHistory
  423.    447 CategoryDyalogDotNet
  424.    445 DyalogApl
  425.    443 SlideShowHandOutTemplate
  426.    443 CategoryShowCases
  427.    441 WikiCourse/19 Symbols
  428.    440 PatHills
  429.    437 NicholasWhite
  430.    428 CategoryDotNet
  431.    426 Notepad++
  432.    426 HomepageTemplate
  433.    425 BaaLondonGroup
  434.    424 TitleIndex
  435.    422 PeterMerritt
  436.    421 DavidLiebtag
  437.    420 JohnMark
  438.    418 WilliamGallant
  439.    416 DonMattern
  440.    415 KlausKlug
  441.    414 PaulMansour
  442.    414 AutoAdminGroup
  443.    413 PaulSmalley
  444.    411 PageHits
  445.    410 WordIndex
  446.    397 HelpIndex
  447.    396 CategoryAPL_Application
  448.    391 EditedSystemPages
  449.    385 AbandonedPages
  450.    369 BAALondon/BaaLondonMeeting2010-05
  451.    369 EventStats
  452.    368 CategoryHomepage
  453.    360 PaulGrosvenor
  454.    358 RogerHui
  455.    357 DyalogGroup
  456.    357 KeyboardLayouts
  457.    354 CategoryApl2000
  458.    349 BAALondon/BaaLondonMeeting2008-12
  459.    345 WantedPages
  460.    340 SimpleSessionPlot
  461.    327 RandomPage
  462.    325 CategoryArticlesOther
  463.    322 PageSize
  464.    318 PhilLast
  465.    307 SlideShowTemplate
  466.    306 OrphanedPages
  467.    301 PhraseBook/LeapYear
  468.    298 PierreGilbert
  469.    298 UserCommands/Adoc
  470.    297 MiServer/Parameters
  471.    297 PermissionDeniedPage
  472.    296 MiServer/Intro
  473.    294 MiServer/HTMLInputRef
  474.    293 BAALondonMeetingTemplate
  475.    292 MiServer/Samples/Index
  476.    291 DyalogSuggestionsVotes
  477.    288 BadBoysGroup
  478.    287 acre
  479.    287 CategoryVisualApl
  480.    286 DanBaronet
  481.    286 MiServer/GettingStarted
  482.    284 MiServer
  483.    282 CategoryArticlesDyalog
  484.    279 JoeBlaze
  485.    278 Sharp_APL
  486.    277 CategoryBaaLondon
  487.    275 MiServer/Debugging
  488.    275 DevonMcCormick
  489.    274 CategoryHelloWorld
  490.    273 WikiCourseHandOut
  491.    270 MiServer/Samples
  492.    266 CategoryGuides
  493.    263 SystemInfo
  494.    262 UserCommands/fire
  495.    262 CategoryDyalog
  496.    259 EventStats/UserAgents
  497.    258 EventStats/HitCounts
  498.    258 EventStats/Languages
  499.    257 CategoryRegularExpressions
  500.    250 CamelCase
  501.    246 SimonMarsden
  502.    245 WindowsOverView
  503.    238 CategoryAplTree
  504.    230 MikiyContentManagementSystem/SampleRootCategory
  505.    224 SystemAdmin
  506.    215 SIGAPL
  507.    211 RexSwain
  508.    211 Working Practices - Ellis Morgan
  509.    202 KymFarnik
  510.    201 Apl2
  511.    192 APL2000
  512.    189 HomepagePrivatePageTemplate
  513.    184 SyedamirBukhari
  514.    183 GilgameshAthoraya
  515.    179 BaaLondonMeetingsTopicList
  516.    177 KaiJaeger
  517.    175 HelpTemplate
  518.    175 SlideTemplate
  519.    169 Quantum_Cat
  520.    168 PeterLewis
  521.    167 TestUser
  522.    167 Community/MailingLists
  523.    159 MikiyContentManagementSystem/SampleFolderPage
  524.    158 AndyShiers
  525.    158 LocalBadContent
  526.    158 GianluigiQuario
  527.    157 Discussions+ToDo
  528.    157 MikiyContentManagementSystem/SampleCategoryPage
  529.    154 JohnDoe
  530.    151 AplNext
  531.    151 MikiyContentManagementSystem/SamplePhotoPage
  532.    150 MarvinSmoak/MarvPrivate
  533.    150 FilesAndDirs
  534.    149 WinRegSimple
  535.    148 ShowChmHelp
  536.    145 ServiceState
  537.    142 ChrisHogan/MyDict
  538.    140 APLTeamUtils
  539.    137 WinReg
  540.    135 WindowsEventLog
  541.    135 BaaMinutesArchive
  542.    130 BrendonDuncan
  543.    129 OS
  544.    129 Logger
  545.    126 Misc/Articles
  546.    121 RichardNabavi
  547.    121 ChrisBurke
  548.    120 AlexanderSkomorokhov
  549.    118 RossHale
  550.    116 LeeCourtney
  551.    116 MichaelBaas
  552.    116 Markdown2Help
  553.    116 CompareSimple
  554.    115 NickLobachevsky
  555.    115 DickBowman
  556.    114 APLTreeUtils
  557.    112 HandleError
  558.    112 DateAndTime
  559.    112 VangelisDimopoulos
  560.    111 PaoloBrambilla
  561.    111 EventCodes
  562.    106 SevenZip
  563.    106 IniFiles
  564.    104 Launchy
  565.    104 Execute
  566.    104 MarkAPL
  567.    104 Compare
  568.    102 Tester
  569.    102 LogDog
  570.    102 WinSys
  571.    101 MyPage
  572.     98 Fire
  573.     95 General
  574.     93 KurtWander
  575.     84 LastestNews/CommentsPage
  576.     81 MikeHughes
  577.     76 AjayAskoolum
  578.     70 DyalogUtils
  579.     55 GitteChristensen
  580.     53 KaiJaeger/MyDict
  581.     51 JaneSullivan
  582.     22 NicholasSmall
  583.     22 JohnJacob
  584.     22 BrianBecker
  585.     22 SteveLindfors
  586.     22 GregoryCox
  587.     22 ClaudeHenriod
  588.     22 AngelZubieta
  589.     22 NicolasDelcros
  590.     22 KlausLepinat
  591.     22 JohnScholes
  592.     22 ChrisPaul
  593.     22 BrianOliver
  594.     22 BrianMcGuinness
  595.     21 KarlheinzMohr
  596.     21 InesKhandelwal
  597.     20 NormanThomson
  598.     20 DhrushamPatel
  599.     19 CallumFloume
  600.     18 TamasHerman
  601.     16 AmirAhmad
  602.      0 GregJaxon
  603.      0 BrianMcCormick