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CategoryDyalogDotNet : Using .NET from Dyalog APL
This page contains links to Wiki articles discussing how Dyalog APL interoperates with the .NET framework.
List of pages in this category:
- .Net GUI and Graphics
- CryptographyWithDyalogAndDotNet
- DirectoryInfo
- EMailsWithDotNet
- EventLog
- FitUtil
- GetViaHttp
- Jasper
- RegistryInfo
- RegularExpressionsWithDyalogAndDotNet
- SendingEmail
- SendingEmailDyalog
- Studio/EncodeDecodeDates
- WebInterface
- XsltTransform
- netAboutBox
- netCOM
- netCSV
- netDIO
- netDataTable
- netDateTime
- netFreeImage
- netHTTP
- netTCP
- netUDP
- netUpperLowerCase
- netVaria
- netXML
- sfDoubleTextBox
- sfExcel
- sfPropGrid
- sfZip
- wpfDialogBox
- wpfOokiiDialogBox
- wpfXamlDemo
- wpfXamlEditor
- wpfXmlBindingDemo