Comparing code in Workspaces and Files in APL2000

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This page shows how to compare 2 workspaces or component files, including simulated packages, in APL2000. This method uses the session and works on 2 workspaces on file.


)LOAD the workspace compare.w3.

r← p1 compack p2

compares 2 overlays, calls

r← c1 compfn  c2

compares 2 programs; returns empty list if identical. c1 and c2 are the ⎕cr of programs.

r← v1 compvar v2

compares 2 variables; returns empty list if same.


           ∇fna                  ∇fnb
       [1] same line         [1] same line
       [2] fna line 2        [2] fnb line 2
       [3] same line 3       [3] same line 3
       [4] ⍝ comment deleted [4] new common line
       [5] new common line   [5] ⍝ new comment
           ∇                     ∇
    (⎕cr 'fna') compfn ⎕cr 'fnb'
-[0]  fna
+     fnb
 [1]  same line
-[2]  fna line 2
+     fnb line 2
 [3]  same line 3
-[4]  ⍝ comment deleted
 [5]  new common line
+     ⍝ new comment

Note that in order to avoid lengthy output of big programs with little difference only sections of the function are shown, those where the changes occurred plus a couple of lines before and after (see var ZONE).

Comparing entire workspaces

In order to compare entire workspaces it is necessary to send them on file and to use the <compfile> program as follow:

      )xload ws1
      )copy compare tws
      tws        ⍝ transfer the ws
      )xload ws2
      )copy compare tws
      )load compare
      compfile ''
      clearfile  ⍝ if wanted so

<tws> is the Transfer WS function. It moves the variables and functions of the workspace onto file preceded by some info. If the file does not exist it is created. After <compfile> has been run, <clearfile> should be run in order to get rid of the file easily.

NOTES: <compfile> may not work fine for very large objects (WS FULL); ⎕pw is used to delimit output

Since APL2000 has ⎕INBUF it might be easier to use the program <compare> as follow:

      'ws1'  compare  'ws2'

Note: this will create another task and execute all the commands for you

Output specifications

The amount of information displayed is determined by a few globals. One of them, SHOW, contains 3 values for each one of the sections of the report, that is the 2 "unique symbols" sections and the "common symbols" section, i.e.

- the symbols found ONLY in the first object/ws

- those found ONLY in the second one

- those found in both each section has 3 properties:

The first one is always displayed. the last 2 ones depend on the relative value in SHOW: if

The default value is 1 1 3, that is the first 2 sections have their names displayed only and the third one is all shown. To change temporarily this setting do

      'ws1' compare 'ws2 /show=2' ⍝ to show names only for example

Another global affecting display is NLINES which shows the first N lines of a variable in the "unique symbols" area.

Yet another one is ZONE which affect display of differences between objects. This is the number of lines shown before and after the differences found.

Comparing Files

To compare 2 files use

       'file1' comparefiles 'file2'

This will compare each component with same number, i.e. if <file1> ranges from components 10 to 20 and <file2> ranges from 15 to 45 then only components 15 to 20 will be compared.


DELINS 2 chars for display of program lines differences to the left

NLINES maximum number of lines shown for variables

SHOW display code per section

ZONE number of lines to keep after changes in program (window size before and after changes)


APL2000CompareCode (last edited 2017-02-16 19:48:53 by KaiJaeger)