Feel free to experiment here, after the four dashes below. Please do not create new pages without any meaningful content just to try it out!

You may want to open HelpOnEditing in a new window or tab while you edit.

EllisMorgan 3/4 Feb 2010, some parts copied from HelpOnMoinWikiSyntax

Table of contents:

Table of contents (up to 2nd level headings only):

Hiding the table of contents comes from Finn Idioms When I first tried it it did not work, but now it does. Possibly it works IF YOU HAVE ALREADY DISPLAYED the TOC before you invoke the seesaw.

Hide table-of-contents

Show TOC seesaw code

First display the table of contents


then call seesaw to hide it

<<SeeSaw(section="table-of-contents", show="true", seesaw="false", toshow="<<Show>> table-of-contents", tohide="<<Hide>> table-of-contents", bg="#FEE1A5",speed="Slow")>>

Show Sandy

this worked ...

<<SeeSaw(section="sand", toshow="<<Show>>Sandy", tohide="<<Hide>>Sandy", bg="#FEE1A5", speed="Slow")>>

this did not work ...

<< SeeSaw(section="sand", toshow="<<Show>>Sandy", tohide="<<Hide>>Sandy", bg="#FEE1A5", speed="Slow")>>

!!! DO NOT leave a BLANK between "<<" and "SeeSaw"!!!

Show Table

cell spanning 2 rows

cell in the 2nd column

cell in the 2nd column of the 2nd row

cell spanning 2 columns

use empty cells as a shorthand

Show Dyalog

Make sure that you enter the following statement without pressing <Enter>:

)ed myHtml

While "myHtml" is the name of the variable we are going to create, ")ed" is a bit special: the closing parenthesis tells APL that this statement is a system command. The following two characters (ed) then tell APL to invoke the editor.

Now we can insert the HTML code from the clipboard by selecting the paste command from the toolbar:

Now press enter. We will see something like this:

End of Ellis's changes 3/4 Feb 2010

The next few lines were entered by EllisMorgan in November 2008. Copying from my session and pasting to the Wiki editor does this:

Copying "Prim" from Kai's SpecialCharacters and pasting it into APL gives:

Dyalog APL/W Version 10.1.2
Serial No : 000168 / Pentium
Mon Nov 24 15:47:35 2008
clear ws
      Prim 13
2 3 5 7 11 13

I am using Firefox 3.04 as my browser with APL385 Unicode.

The next lines were entered by GianluigiQuario November 25,2008. Windows XP IE 7 APL385 unicode. Copying from my session and pasting to the Wiki editor does this:


italic bold typewriter

backtick typewriter (configurable)

bigger smaller

preformatted some more
and some more lines too

   1 def syntax(highlight):
   2     print "on"
   3     return None

   1   public void main(String[] args]){
   2      System.out.println("Hello world!");
   3   } 


HelpOnEditing InterWiki

http://moinmoin.wikiwikiweb.de/ Python




/!\ Alert






Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4

WikiSandBox (last edited 2010-02-04 09:16:44 by EllisMorgan)