Feel free to experiment here, after the four dashes below. Please do not create new pages without any meaningful content just to try it out!
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EllisMorgan 3/4 Feb 2010, some parts copied from HelpOnMoinWikiSyntax
Table of contents:
Table of contents (up to 2nd level headings only):
Hiding the table of contents comes from Finn Idioms When I first tried it it did not work, but now it does. Possibly it works IF YOU HAVE ALREADY DISPLAYED the TOC before you invoke the seesaw.
Show TOC seesaw code
Show Sandy
Show Table
Show Dyalog
End of Ellis's changes 3/4 Feb 2010
The next few lines were entered by EllisMorgan in November 2008. Copying from my session and pasting to the Wiki editor does this:
Dyalog APL/W Version 10.1.2 Serial No : 000168 / Pentium Tue Nov 25 15:00:22 2008 clear ws 4 60⍴16↓⎕av _abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz¯.⍬0123456789¤¥$£¢∆ABCDEFGHIJK LMNOPQRSTUVWXYZý·⍙ÁÂÃÇÈÊËÌÍÎÏÐÒÓÔÕÙÚÛÝþãìðòõ{⊢}⊣⌷¨ÀÄÅÆ⍨ÉÑ ÖØÜΰàáâäåæçèéêëíîïñ[/⌿\⍀<≤=≥>≠∨∧-+÷×?∊⍴~↑↓⍳○*⌈⌊∇∘(⊂⊃∩∪⊥⊤|;,⍱ ⍲⍒⍋⍉⌽⊖⍟⌹!⍕⍎⍫⍪≡≢óôöø"#&’┘┐┌└┼─├┤┴┬│@ùúû^ü‘∣¶:⍷¿¡⋄←→⍝)]§⎕⍞ÿ 4↓16↑⎕av ⌶ɫ%'⍺⍵
Copying "Prim" from Kai's SpecialCharacters and pasting it into APL gives:
Dyalog APL/W Version 10.1.2 Serial No : 000168 / Pentium Mon Nov 24 15:47:35 2008 clear ws Prim←{all/⍨2=+⌿0=all∘.|all←⍳⍵} Prim 13 2 3 5 7 11 13
I am using Firefox 3.04 as my browser with APL385 Unicode.
The next lines were entered by GianluigiQuario November 25,2008. Windows XP IE 7 APL385 unicode. Copying from my session and pasting to the Wiki editor does this:
Dyalog APL/W Version 11.0.1 Tue Nov 25 16:59:09 2008 clear ws 4 60⍴16↓⎕av _abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz¯.⍬0123456789¤¥$£¢∆ABCDEFGHIJK LMNOPQRSTUVWXYZý·⍙ÁÂÃÇÈÊËÌÍÎÏÐÒÓÔÕÙÚÛÝþãìðòõ{€}⊣⌷¨ÀÄÅÆ⍨ÉÑ ÖØÜßàáâäåæçèéêëíîïñ[/⌿\⍀<≤=≥>≠∨∧-+÷×?∊⍴~↑↓⍳○*⌈⌊∇∘(⊂⊃∩∪⊥⊤|;,⍱ ⍲⍒⍋⍉⌽⊖⍟⌹!⍕⍎⍫⍪≡≢óôöø"#&’┘┐┌└┼─├┤┴┬│@ùúû^ü‘∣¶:⍷¿¡⋄←→⍝)]§⎕⍞⍣ 4↓16↑⎕av ⌶ɫ%'⍺⍵
italic bold typewriter
backtick typewriter (configurable)
bigger smaller
preformatted some more and some more lines too
http://moinmoin.wikiwikiweb.de/ Python
Image Link
- first
- nested and numbered
- numbered lists are renumbered
- second
- third blockquote
- deeper
- Term
- Definition
Heading 1
Heading 2
Heading 3
Heading 4
1 ¯1 (SyntheticDivision⍨⍣0)6 4.89 1