APL Videos
Depth-First Tree-Search in Dyalog APL by John Scholes. Simply great.
A Soduko solver by John Scholes. Pure functional programming: no variables, no states, no side effects and of course no loops - just a couple of primitives called in the right order.
Conway's "Game of Life" in APL
Conway's "Game of Life" in APL by JohnScholes.
John first develops a program to calculate the next generation in a Game Of Life and then writes a piece of code that actually displays it, all in less than 8 minutes. This is an amazing example of what you can achieve with APL in case you know what you are doing.
- For more information see:
Phi with APL
Palindromic Expression for Phi in APL by PhilLast.
Training Videos
Dyalog APL for APL old hands
Dyalog APL for experienced users by DanBaronet
Using a Browser OCX control in Dyalog APL
How to use the Microsoft Web Browser OCX control in Dyalog APL by DanBaronet.
Example of a class in Dyalog APL
OO Example of class in Dyalog APL by DanBaronet.
'hello world' in APL
Producing a standalone 'hello world' program in APL by DanBaronet.
Namespaces in Dyalog APL
This shows what namespaces are in APL, how to create one and how to use them
APL2000 videos
*** Other videos can be found on YouTube, search for 'APLtrainer' to see the entire list ***
Feature Presentations
APL and Unicode
How about a Nice Game of Chess? by MortenKromberg.
Morten Kromberg, CTO of Dyalog Ltd, shows why Unicode is a good thing, using Dyalog APL version 12.0 to build a GUI for playing Chess using Excel as a multi-dimensional database for recording the moves.
Interview with the APL originators from 1974
Talk show style interview with the original developers of APL from 1974 (MySpace video).