Differences between revisions 1 and 10 (spanning 9 versions)
Revision 1 as of 2015-02-26 22:21:41
Size: 1703
Revision 10 as of 2015-10-05 16:53:49
Size: 3530
Comment: Function IP improved
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
Line 8: Line 8:
=== Obtaining the Net version installed === === .Net version installed ===
Line 14: Line 14:
 ⍝ Based on: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/y549e41e.aspx   ⍝ Based on: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/y549e41e.aspx
Line 32: Line 32:
=== Clear the Application Domain ===
`CloseAppDomain` is the equivalent to File --> !CloseAppDomain. It is used to remove the dll loaded in the memory of the interpreter. Usefull when experimenting with .Net.
=== Close the Application Domain ===
`CloseAppDomain` is the equivalent to File --> !CloseAppDomain. It is used to remove the dll loaded in the memory of the interpreter. Usefull when experimenting with .Net. (From version 14.1 there is a I beam for that now: 2101⌶0)
Line 41: Line 41:
=== Byte Array: Byte[] ===
If the constructor needs a Byte Array you can use the following function to build it:
 ba←ByteArray bytes;⎕IO;⎕USING
⍝ Function to get a .Net byte array
⍝ bytes = numbers in the range of 0 to 255
⍝ ba = .Net Byte[]

 ⎕USING ⎕IO←'System,mscorlib.dll' 0
 ba←Array.CreateInstance(Byte(⍴,bytes)) ⍝ Empty array of type 'Byte'
 {ba.Set ⍵}¨↓(⍳⍴,bytes),[0.5]bytes ⍝ Populate the Byte array
=== String Array: String[] ===
If the constructor needs a String Array you can use the following function to build it:
 sa←StringArray strings;⎕USING;⎕IO
⍝ Function to get a .Net string array
⍝ strings = characters
⍝ sa = .Net String[]

 ⎕USING ⎕IO←'System,mscorlib.dll' 0
 sa←Array.CreateInstance(String(⍴,strings)) ⍝ Empty array of type 'String'
 {sa.Set(⍵[0](,⍵[1]))}¨↓(⍳⍴,strings),[0.5]strings ⍝ Populate the String array
=== IPAddress ===
The following function construct a .Net IPAddress:
 r←IP ip;byteArray;⎕USING
⍝ ip = IP address as 4 numbers or characters (like '')
⍝ r = IPAddress .net object if success or ⎕NULL (error) if failure

 :Trap 0

     :If ' '=↑1↑0⍴ip ⍝ Characters ?
         r←⎕NEW IPAddress(ip.Address)

     :Else ⍝ Numbers
         r←⎕NEW IPAddress(⊂,ip)


   ⍝ There is an error.
     :If 90=⎕EN
         r←⎕NULL('EXCEPTION: ',⎕EXCEPTION.Message)

         r←⎕NULL((1⊃⎕DM),': ',(2⊃⎕DM))

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This Wiki is about sharing snippets of Dyalog Apl code that are useful when using .Net

.Net version installed

GetNetVersion is used for detecting the .Net version installed on the computer.

 ⍝ Function to Get the Latest .Net Framework Installed on this Computer

 ⍝ Based on: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/y549e41e.aspx
 ⍝ v = Latest Version Installed
 ⍝ v = 0, When There is no Version of .Net Installed

 :Trap 0
     ⎕USING←'System,mscorlib.dll' 'System.IO,mscorlib.dll'
     DI←⎕NEW DirectoryInfo(⊂dir)             ⍝ Get the DirectoryInfo Object for the Directory
     dirs←DI.GetDirectories(⊂'v*')           ⍝ v* is the filter
     dirs←1↓¨dirs.Name                       ⍝ To remove the letter 'v' at the beginning of each directory
     v←+/¨(⊂1 0.1)ר2↑¨⊃¨(//¨'.'⎕VFI¨dirs)   ⍝ To Add the first 2 numbers of each directory
     v←1↑∪v[⍒v]                              ⍝ To order the directory names as numbers and return the highest number
    ⍝ There is no .Net installed

Close the Application Domain

CloseAppDomain is the equivalent to File --> CloseAppDomain. It is used to remove the dll loaded in the memory of the interpreter. Usefull when experimenting with .Net. (From version 14.1 there is a I beam for that now: 2101⌶0)

⍝ To erase all the loaded dll from memory.
 'Closing AppDomain...'
 1 ⎕NQ'⎕SE.mb.file.closead' 'Select'
 'AppDomain Closed'

Byte Array: Byte[]

If the constructor needs a Byte Array you can use the following function to build it:

 ba←ByteArray bytes;⎕IO;⎕USING
⍝ Function to get a .Net byte array
⍝ bytes = numbers in the range of 0 to 255
⍝ ba    = .Net Byte[]

 ⎕USING ⎕IO←'System,mscorlib.dll' 0
 ba←Array.CreateInstance(Byte(⍴,bytes))  ⍝ Empty array of type 'Byte'
 {ba.Set ⍵}¨↓(⍳⍴,bytes),[0.5]bytes       ⍝ Populate the Byte array

String Array: String[]

If the constructor needs a String Array you can use the following function to build it:

 sa←StringArray strings;⎕USING;⎕IO
⍝ Function to get a .Net string array
⍝ strings = characters
⍝ sa      = .Net String[]

 ⎕USING ⎕IO←'System,mscorlib.dll' 0
 sa←Array.CreateInstance(String(⍴,strings))        ⍝ Empty array of type 'String'
 {sa.Set(⍵[0](,⍵[1]))}¨↓(⍳⍴,strings),[0.5]strings  ⍝ Populate the String array


The following function construct a .Net IPAddress:

 r←IP ip;byteArray;⎕USING
⍝ ip = IP address as 4 numbers or characters (like '')
⍝ r  = IPAddress .net object if success or ⎕NULL (error) if failure

 :Trap 0

     :If ' '=↑1↑0⍴ip ⍝ Characters ?
         r←⎕NEW IPAddress(ip.Address)

     :Else ⍝ Numbers
         r←⎕NEW IPAddress(⊂,ip)


   ⍝ There is an error.
     :If 90=⎕EN
         r←⎕NULL('EXCEPTION: ',⎕EXCEPTION.Message)

         r←⎕NULL((1⊃⎕DM),': ',(2⊃⎕DM))


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netVaria (last edited 2015-10-13 16:05:19 by PierreGilbert)