
This is the wiki for the APL programming language.

Everyone who owns an account is welcome to edit the pages on this wiki to correct and improve them, except where pages are marked as immutable. For example, the "FrontPage" of the wiki is immutable. There are some other pages which are immutable as well: TrustedGroup and BadBoysGroup, for example.

Apart from this most pages are editable by everyone, also there are some exceptions where public pages are "owned" by a particular user.

In order to make a change, or to add new pages, you must create an account and then login. Note that after you have logged in, you may need to refresh a page in order for the Edit link to appear instead of Immutable Page.

BeginnersStartHere - definitely!

Before you edit, please read the EditingGuidelines.

Please consider to follow some AuthorConventions.

One of the most important concepts in MoinMoin-based wikis are categories. Read more here: WhyUsingCategories

To gain experience in editing pages please go for the TestPage and any other page that starts their name with "TestPage". Not that the contents of these pages is likely ro be reset from time to time.

Useful pages:


This Wiki is sponsored and hosted by APL Team Ltd http://aplteam.com/ and http://aplteam.de/

Like any other Wiki this one is under almost complete control by the community interested in the Wiki. However, there is someone keeping an eye on it: KaiJaeger