:Namespace wpfXamlDemo
⍝ === VARIABLES ===
Copy_b64 ←'iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABgAAAAYCAMAAADXqc3KAAAAaVBMVEX///8AAAC2tra2tra2tra2trb////+/v62trb9/f309PT7+/vExMSurq6Hh4f4+Pj8/Pz5+fnMzMyenp6/zduoqKilpaXNzc2xsbHu7u6Li4vk5OTa2tro6Oj6+vrm5uaMjIympqby8vJPA9lJAAAABnRSTlMAAM8Q7zCjkYU+AAAAiklEQVR4XoXM2Q7CMAxE0bqAk+7s+/7/H4mJMGNXQdzXo5mCiKK2X01nlCpSkbXdspxk4VCLOHBvDvwbYPSWgxu/JQMn5rotMzA8L+d24wAFB+tvzEeFIGDr/0LlrjwEE2D+CxoZ4aoCLASQgau8mQAsb7hqFLp7L28mBSKKPJgS0AdcgO6xtQm8AN3LEZUq6MiXAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC'
Cut_b64 ←'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'
Paste_b64 ←'iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABgAAAAYCAMAAADXqc3KAAAAeFBMVEUAAAB7e3ucnJy1tbXOpUrOpVLOrVrnzpz39/f////OrWPn5+fOzs7WtWvWvXuEhITnzqXn1qWUlJRaWlq1nGO9zt6MjIyle0KlhDmljFqlpaXWrWOthEKtlFrW1tbexoTnzpS1hDG1lGOUc0KMYxjv7++9vb3GrXO+vRrUAAAAAXRSTlMAQObYZgAAAKNJREFUeF6NzVcOwyAQRVHTi3tL73X/OwzjeISxiZT7hXT0huRbCSVhV4hQSskDXhOo66pqCSFtp5QK4FwUDXTIiwCqPLfv7nbcbqScgXUxjDKGYAcwY2kGEgGdGZAlmJMGQZAeUpa9EKR04HumuwGkC6DHjFkBKADhYFI5ghBREFBwygPnkcVlz3kchiKn1ndoscCY0b4Z9Jj+a/H7j6aclnwANmEWNaPqN4UAAAAASUVORK5CYII='
Print_b64 ←'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'
Quit_b64 ←'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'
Settings_b64 ←'iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAADAAAAAwCAYAAABXAvmHAAAN4ElEQVR4nO2Za3Rb1ZXHf/fqZUt+yFLsJI6D5bxDHGyTlMAAjRhm+l6DsxazprR0orQltJ0E7JVpGZgBnNLSLqZpnEChQDNWCmEGChNDp00pkDghPBISLGOThDiJ5fgtx7Hkh2RL994zH/SwJD+SsFirX7rXuks6++69z3+fs/c5+5wLf6W/LEmfpbFPPmkrAxoAK1C1dGnJjhh/O1AF+JcuLcn7LPvUf1rFlpbWYqKgHKWli9cBKIpiJQoewAnsiPGdMZ41WV+S8AiBG6gtLV3c/mlwfGoHVFWtIuoATU2n7i0rW7ZDUdRkkUpP08lcwKooavkU+rXEZgqoBz6VA1cUQseOtxSvXlXaDnD8w49vi3UM4BdCuIBKSZJcM9kQQtQCXkmSauO8VdeuSOA4drzlttWrSl+9XEyX5cCRI025SLhBciKEc82asqYPjjXnaprwT6fT09ef0p47O3860YY1111zC8CRo011ILlA1CNwrVlTFvhMHHj3vcb1gDvaEn4hcJE22mfbztPj66e37wKRiMKcAnuKjV7fAJrQmDs7n+KiQuYXzcVoMEQtCuGWJIiCjwGTcNxwfcUlw+qyQ+jQ28faAEcyLxKJ8MlZL97zXZRcNY8lixwUFxWSkWGa0oY/MEx7Zzenz7ThPd9FUeEcSpcvxmI2p6Oq+fxNq7deDq5pHXjrwPu5gPXWW65vBzhw8MhaIURD/H1PXz8fn2zlmhVLWV1RSoZpatDT0dj4OMcaWzja2MyikmKWLS5JvJNl2er8/HWBGI71QP2tt1w/ZThN68Abb76zF4lKIagBaiWoRcKlRFROnD6LyWTkS7fedMXA0ykwNMyf3jpMaGyMVdesQG/QgcAtwC2BGwkHgvq//7sb1122A/teP5S8wiRIUVUaPzpBxcrlVFxz9YzAGj86QXtHt0fTNOuyJQscVy9dNKP8nw+8Q2d3L8uXLCTLYk5/7ZckqfxLX7h5Uk5MOwN/2NdQF0tWAFRVpeXUaT5XsZJlixfMCOb1/Yf93o6uyp8+VH0Q4N9/vH3tyquX1P/N5yqsM+mdaj3HB43NlC5bgk6nSwKP86tfdjZNpSNPZ+yrX3ZuUDXVragqiqri7eikbMUyFi9woKratE9XTx+jwWBVHDzATx+qPtjT56sZ9Adm1F28wEFR4RxOnD5DvF9VVV3TgYe0nfjlva8XA47b133xIEB8Zx0eHiHLYmHZ4gWoqjrZShKNjY+TlWWeFH62vNyGi/7A5BUnjW687lr++MZBevp8FMyyA1S+vPf1BqKliROovX3dFxOhlOKApmlVQNVLr+wDaFBV1alpGgODfr7wtzehalpCdmh4hKHhEYoK56QAyMwwMXfOLAeQMmp2W67DYs68LBs33bCKfW8eIic7C4Ne74KJUI5R9ZQOKKrqkibSwgkQGB5mgWM+OllGVVXC4QhvHXqPzu5ejxB4MzNN5TesLncsWlAMQJbFgiqU2qPHGyuvW1URADh6vDFXVbQac2ZmwsaBd474z3f21AshvBZzpuv6VWWOhSVXAZBhMlFy1Twu+gPY8yYVryl1VYoDQhPlmtBqgcqEU4pC8fzCROi8f9zD0MhI1fafP7AjLrP150/U5WRnuey2aI5mm7Odsl54PmltdQNEwopLUyWHEAJVVfG0nPQHAsPO7T+7Pz5LW3/y2JN7s7Mtlfa8qI1FCxy8/f4HRBQFObpN+4GaO+/4h0S/MM0qtHtP/b0IURtRFLKyMlm2aCEAo8EgHzaf8Gy++1sV6TqvvPp628LiqxzJPFkXNa+pIsEbD4c55mmu+peNd6YA2fnU7uKC/FneZYsmVriWU6cJBscwGY0IqHTduW5SkTdlOa0oqkOSokunPS8PJTb6qqZhy8uZlKAABr3eq6hqigNMke/hcARbXo4nnX/P99e31//+jURfAHZbHsMjnaiahhBU7tr9crx49H9n/e1NKQ48W/fSIEhWAC2eaBLkZGejqtG2UW/AlpfrBCbVKTnZWY643ExkNBqx2/KcwMFk/psHDhfrZB3JNrLMZmRZivNcJJJZ+IE8SNoHVFWzqtF1N/FkZhhT2poQ5FiynUePNa5P7vy9I8frjAaDI11/NBhkNBgknW8xm2uOez5aG9dvbGrOtVjM9SajKUVOp9Oh1+vQNDXNhpbYEBMzoGlaLdGVJ5HlJpMJVZscB4oi3B96WqqEoF5R1MpIWCkXpI5+d4+PppZTAKyuKCV/li3lfXhcbWhs+tgjy5I/ElHL1YiwCgTpZM7MJBAZnYgKqEeSGuKNSUn8xNN7ioUQXr1exyy7lXy7PV3kkiSEYP+h9+nujR5qylYu5ZrlS0C68juE/oEBLgz4URQVSZKsm+7+ZkpVOimJFUX1SxIgdIm1/0pJlmVMJmOinWXJRBMCoV06R9JJJ8sgonkpBFYgxYHEkGx/3H0v4ESa2ANKHIWYMyyTjEYiCr2+foKhMebOzicnO2uSTE6OmdZz7WSYjMyfN5ehoWDKe0VR6PNdIDg2hj3Pii1v6jpvNDRKT+8FxsfDUYbAAzRUb3ZVQ3IORA/bJIehLEmTZmA0GMLTctIbCo3XgPCf7+yuLCqc41qy0JEiNzg4TOHs2Yn/yRQMhfjoxOmGUGisCvCe7+ypvGre3NoFjvmTvJDl6IBpWgJYeexJdYDoTpdiIKKoyFLqtHd0dXtNRkP5Tx6sik/lqz/b9rR3YNBfY83JSZENhcbT8QDQ1dvn3frA5luSWLsfq33GO+gPNORkZ09wJYFOpyftuiaOlXQHnEkOuADX2FgYo8GY2EnDkTBmc0Zt9aYNKXF4/5a7t+7es7fmcvJF1VSyLJnudP6PqjYe/O1/7/WqSZuhTi9PhA7UbrlnQ3W6XsKBLfdsSFSP23bWWQFXMDSGLS+XUDg6krIsY7dZvVMBM5szJoXbyGg07pNPWAKw5mYzFWVbzCk2TBl6BgZD8eaU/U460GzbWXcvsSuUoaFRJBk0IVA1DU0TZGdZXOk6+w+9u9ag16NqGqqmMTIapLHlpN/TcrLW03Kypvnkae/IaDBmQyMnO8v1zvvHcpNtHHrnyG16vcERtwGQkWlicHAoLlK7bWfd3m0764qT9VIW5m076w4QK6PjNK+wgJxsC0NDowAYDHrmFxW4MzNNVStXXB1oavl4bX+/v/7CBX+sDBF0dHd7x8bGyx++f3Mi1H6xY9eBwjmznbIsYTQaKC6e48nMMNZIkuRXVc3p6/dX+XwXEzlos+UwGgxxrq0rfbz8W+7ZkKix0/cBT7oDfb4BCufOIhAYQdMEqhrmXFu3y27Pde0/+B5ebw8jI4lpJhwJk51lrrmvemNKnpgyDK5wJOw16A2EQuO0tnaUz5plrdfrdIwGx/D7J1YqvV5HTo6F1jPn46yGJFzuZLspDsiyHL+vbIg9tZomXN72HuYXzaajow+IVqk9PRfSRwYAo9FAZqbJm87ffPc/t+958TXU2Iqiqird3f3pYgA4HHPo7u4nHFGQZdldvWn9BoDtT+xeS1oupDhQvWl9O0nHtR1P/rYecA36hygosGGz5+LzXZyy0wkH9NhsOU7Sqs0/7z90W1/vYEq5PCX44rkIAR1dfchyaulRvWn9wXT5aW8lHv/182WyJLtlSUaWZNrauphly8Vuy53xZmF4JITQqPrQ89FtcVsfNjWXKRHVPTYenlHXbsvFnJlBc8sZ4v3Kkux6/Knn66bDOWV19aunXygWCA9pG5ter2NVxXJ8vot0dPZNP4zAvMJ8bHm5HgBf/8XyvkvM3PKlJZgtGZw4eY7hkeBUIpWb7v7mpBPZtOXhk8+8sBekShBeEocJyaXX61i2pBiDQU/zx2eITN4lr4gyM0ysXLEQAXiaTsd2XeEm+uGjCqQaEPU/2PiNKa8Wp/1CI8uyC6j83nfv2A3w9K4XPUIIl6ZpnDjVRkGBjZtvrKCjs4+z5zqJKMoVATfo9SxcUESJYx7t53s4c7Yj1q8ESO7vfffrAWDrr3/zP26Qpv0OcdkF+jP/9eLDQE0yT6/XU+IoZF5hAf39g3T1+OjvHyQcmdoZizmDgnwbhXPzyc/Po883QOuZDkKhsXRR78Zv/1PJVDY+lQO/cb9cLITwJrHcsV9XnDG/aDZ2Wy52ey56vS5lXQewWrORkBi4GKC3b4DevgEiE466iV4mu0mqx+7a8I+7L4XtUh/5ZEA+euTweMW11/3RaDR+JRgcfWnz99f/G2B68pnnl5tMGWsAurp9dHX7Eoqz7KmV8YWByVEQXyZfeG7Xo2+9uc+/5UcPr1t+dWm9oiiH273n/hDrf8ZT0HQzIMec0yX/PvJo7dcefKDqjXi77rn/PRtX8Lad/U+z2TKvYPacb8zU4eDFi691drS/tWJl2SOyLOcAnDvbetcjNff9CVC+c9fmwl3PPt5G9FJGSfudEuhl04MPVO2L/9/ywwfXyJKELEmMjo7s3/rQD1+4719/8Ms4T5Yknnmq9o4fP3zf15J5p042//6Xv3jkQE9355NxXkHB7Ovjdnc9+3jHlWC6IgeSyes91+kPDLqBof977ZXH4nxJlpFkmbHxsTPvvXuor+1c60gg4H87zpdiB/v/uL/qufHw+NHAkL/u8NsHpt2oLkXT5YAGhIk6GInJyYCJ6FTqXvndnvZXfrfnUeAxJkINhBiWZTk7MDjYGDd2od/XaLPZb9Y0bXhoKJDI7o3f/vq3gDFgPNanGmtrRMNG4xI58Ff6S9P/AxzSkKqndbIyAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC'
_,←L,' '
_,←L,' '
_,←L,' '
_,←L,' '
_,←L,' '
_,←L,' '
_,←L,' '
_,←L,' '
_,←L,' '
_,←L,' '
_,←L,' '
_,←L,' '
_,←L,' '
_,←L,' '
_,←L,' '
_,←L,' '
_,←L,' '
_,←L,' '
_,←L,' '
_,←L,' '
_,←L,' '
_,←L,' '
_,←L,' '
_,←L,' '
_,←L,' '
_,←L,' '
_,←L,' '
_,←L,' '
_,←L,' '
_,←L,' '
_,←L,' '
_,←L,' '
_,←L,' '
_,←L,' '
_,←L,' '
_,←L,' '
_,←L,' '
_,←L,' '
_,←L,' '
_,←L,' '
_,←L,' '
_,←L,' '
_,←L,' '
_,←L,' '
_,←L,' '
⎕ex¨ 'L' '_'
⍝ === End of variables definition ===
(⎕IO ⎕ML ⎕WX)←1 3 3
∇ cursor←CursorFromBase64String base64String;imageBytes;MS;⎕USING
⍝ Convert a Base64String to a cursor.
⎕USING←'System.IO,mscorlib.dll' 'System,mscorlib.dll' 'System.Windows,WPF/PresentationCore.dll'
⍝ Convert Base64 String to byte[]
⍝ Create a new MemoryStream with the byte[]
MS←⎕NEW MemoryStream(⊂imageBytes)
⍝ Create the icon
cursor←⎕NEW Input.Cursor MS
⍝ Erase the MemoryStream
MS.Close ⋄ MS.Dispose ⋄ MS←⎕NULL
∇ DemoSample3;imgNames
⍝ Parse the xaml of the variable sample3
win←FixSimpleXaml sample3
⍝ Get the names of all the 'Image' object that has been fixed in rootObj
⍝ Set the Source of all the 'Image'. Each 'Image' must have a Base64 variable of the same name.
⍝ Fix manually the Icon of the main window.
win.Icon←ImageFromBase64String Settings_b64
⍝ Fix manually the Cursor of the main window.
win.Cursor←CursorFromBase64String HandCursor_b64
⍝ Set Routed Events on the whole Window for ClickEvent when a MenuItem or a Button are clicked.
⎕USING←'System.Windows,WPF/PresentationCore.dll' 'System.Windows.Controls.Primitives,WPF/PresentationFramework.dll'
win.AddHandler(Controls.MenuItem.ClickEvent)(⎕NEW RoutedEventHandler(⎕OR'__EventHandler'))
win.AddHandler(ButtonBase.ClickEvent)(⎕NEW RoutedEventHandler(⎕OR'__EventHandler'))
⍝ Show the window.
∇ obj DispatchDelegate action;delegate;⎕USING
⍝ Function to write asynchronously to the UI thread from another thread.
⍝ The calling thread does not wait for the operation to finish.
⍝ obj = UI Object that you want to write to from another thread
⍝ action = Line to execute in the UI thread. Use '⋄' to write multiple lines.
:Trap 0
⎕USING←'System,System.dll' 'System.Windows.Threading,WPF/WindowsBase.dll'
⍝ Create a function (⍙Delegate) with the 'action' to execute in the UI thread.
⍝ The function will be executed where 'DispatchDelegate' is called and not where
⍝ 'DispatchDelegate' is located.
delegate←(⎕IO⊃⎕RSI).⎕OR(⎕IO⊃⎕RSI).⎕FX'⍙Delegate'action'⎕EX ''⍙Delegate'''
⍝ Get a 'Dispatcher' from the UI object. That way we are sure to have the right UI thread.
⍝ Use the method '.Invoke' instead of '.BeginInvoke' for synchronous call.
{}obj.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Normal(⎕NEW Action delegate))
⎕←'Error DispatchDelegate: ',action
⍝ Returns the Last Error
:If 90=⎕EN
⎕←(1⊃⎕DM),': ',(2⊃⎕DM)
∇ base64String←FileToBase64String fileName;bytes;⎕USING
⍝ Converts a file to a Base64 String.
⍝ Read the file
⍝ Convert to a Base64 string
∇ rootObj←FixSimpleXaml xamlString;names;⎕USING
⍝ Parse simple and correctly formed Xaml that contains only names to fix (no events).
⍝ Each named element(s) object will be attached to rootObject.
⍝ You can see the list of attached elements by doing rootObject.⎕NL -9
⍝ It is recommended to do not name the root object in the xaml (to prevent a recursive call).
⍝ For 3rd party dll, ⎕USING must be properly initiated before calling this function.
⍝ For Xaml with event callbacks and error trapping see the function: FixXaml.
⍝ xamlString = Vector of Characters representing a XAML string
⍝ rootObj = WPF Root Element Object if no error
⍝ = ⎕NULL if error
:Trap 0
⍝ Parse the simple Xaml and obtain the root element object:
⎕USING,←⊂'System.Windows.Markup,WPF/PresentationFramework.dll' ⍝ was ⎕USING←' before
⍝ Extract the names beginning with 'x:Name' or 'Name'
names←{{(,⊃0≠⍴¨⍵)/⍵}{1⊃(((⍵[;1]∊⊂'x:Name')∨(⍵[;1]∊⊂'Name'))/⍵[;2]),⊂''}¨(⎕XML ⍵)[;4]}xamlString
⍝ Assign the value of each names to the root object:
:If 0≠⍴names
⍝ Do nothing, there is no names.
⍝ There is an error.
∇ rootObj←FixXaml xamlString;attribs;caller;data;err;event;events;expr;inter;name;names;ref
⍝ Creates a WPF Object From an APL Character Vector Representing XAML.
⍝ Each named element(s) object will be attached to rootObject.
⍝ You can see the list of attached elements by doing rootObject.⎕NL -9
⍝ The callback functions of events must begin with '__' (ex.: Click="__Button_Click")
⍝ For 3rd party dll, ⎕USING must be properly initiated before calling this function.
⍝ If there is an error parsing the Xaml, the function will return ⎕NULL with an explanation of the error.
⍝ Parts of code is taken from Dyalog.
⍝ xamlString = Vector of Characters representing a XAML string
⍝ rootObj = WPF Root Element Object if no error
⍝ = ⎕NULL (explanation of error) if error
⍝ If an Element has an event attribute that begins with '__' and is named, it will be fixed.
⍝ If an Element has an event attribute that begins with '__' and is not named, it will not be fixed and make a warning.
⍝ If an Element has an event attribute that does not begins with '__', it will make an error and return a ⎕NULL rootObj.
⍝ Function of an event attribute must be defined in the WS otherwise it will not be fixed and make a warning.
⍝ Root element with an event must be named, otherwise it is recommended to be nameless.
⍝ Root element name is removed in all cases. Use the rootObj variable directly to access its properties/methods.
:Trap 0
⍝ Check if Valid XML
⍝ The following line will bug with an explanation if there is a syntax error in xamlString.
(⎕NEW XmlDocument).LoadXml(⊂xamlString)
⍝ The string is valid XML. Clean-it before 'compiling'.
data←⎕XML xamlString ⍝ Convert the characters to APL representation of Xml
attribs←data[;4] ⍝ Attributes of all the nodes
names←{1⊃(((⍵[;1]∊⊂'x:Name')∨(⍵[;1]∊⊂'Name'))/⍵[;2]),⊂''}¨attribs ⍝ Find all 'x:Name' and 'Name' attributes
events←⊃⍪/names{(⊂⍺),((⊂'__')≡¨2↑¨⊃¨⍵[;2])⌿⍵}¨attribs ⍝ Events are all attributes with values beginning with '__'
data[;4]←{(~(⊂'__')≡¨2↑¨⊃¨⍵[;2])⌿⍵}¨attribs ⍝ Remove the events: attribute definition beginning with '__'
data[1;4]←⊂{(~(⊂'x:Class')≡¨7↑¨⊃¨⍵[;1])⌿⍵}⊃data[1;4] ⍝ Remove the x:Class attribute if present in first node
xamlString←⎕XML data ⍝ Convert the APL representation of Xml to characters
⍝ There is an Error. Exit.
⍝ Obtain the Root Element Object of the clean-up XAML String.
⍝ You can get an error here if, for example, there is an event that does not begin with '__' and was not remove in Xaml Clean-up.
:Trap 0
⎕USING∪←⊂'System.Windows.Markup,WPF/PresentationFramework.dll' ⍝ was ⎕USING←' before
⍝ ↓↓↓ Alternative way of doing the same thing.
⍝ ⎕USING∪ ← '' 'System.IO' 'System.Xml,system.xml.dll' 'System.Windows,WPF/PresentationFramework.dll' 'System.Windows.Markup'
⍝ rootObj ← XamlReader.Load ⎕NEW XmlTextReader (⎕NEW StringReader (⊂xamlString))
rootObj.∆Events←events ⍝ Optional: List the events in the property ∆Events
⍝ There is an error. Exit.
⍝ Fix the events of the rootObj before removing its name:
⍝ Will bug if the rootObj does not have a name.
:Trap 0
:If 1∊events[;1]∊⊂rootObj.Name ⍝ Check if the rootObj has an event
:For (ref event expr) :In ↓(events[;1]∊⊂rootObj.Name)⌿events ⍝ Loop through the events
caller←(1⊃⎕NSI),'.' ⍝ Namespace that is calling this function
expr←((~'#'∊expr)/caller),expr ⍝ Add the namespace of the caller to the name of the event
⍎'rootObj.on',event,'←''',expr,'''' ⍝ Hook-up the event
⍝ Do nothing. rootObj does not have a name or events to fix.
⍝ Create refs to all named child objects
:Trap 0
names←(,⊃0≠⍴¨names)/names ⍝ Keep only the not empty names
names←(0=rootObj.⎕NC⊃names)/names ⍝ Only names which do not already have a meaning
names←(~names∊⊂rootObj.Name)/names ⍝ Remove the name of the rootObj to prevent a recursive entry.
events←(~events[;1]∊⊂rootObj.Name)⌿events ⍝ Remove the event(s) of the rootObj from the list now that they have been fixed.
⍝ Do nothing. The previous 2 lines will bug if rootObj does not have a name.
⍝ Warns that a name will not be fixed because it is a property or method of the Root Object (ie. name conflict)
:Trap 0
:If 1∊inter←names∊rootObj.⎕NL-2 3
⎕←'FixXaml Warning - Name(s) not fixed in conflict with Property/Method of Root Object: ',inter/names
⍝ Do nothing. Root Object does not like ⎕NL
⍝ Add a reference of all the named object to the rootObj.
⍝ FindName will not find the names on certain object (like template),
⍝ so we need to iterate and Trap the error when the name is not found.
:For name :In names
:Trap 0
⍎'rootObj.(',name,')←rootObj.FindName ⊂name'
⎕←'FixXaml Warning - Name Not found: ',name
⍝ Show a Warning for Events that begins with '__' that will not be fixed because they are nameless:
:If 0≠↑⍴inter←(~events[;1]∊names)⌿events
⎕←(⎕UCS 13),'FixXaml Warning - Following Nameless Event(s) Are Not Fixed:'
⍝ Hook-up events
events←(events[;1]∊names)⌿events ⍝ Named objects only
caller←(1⊃⎕NSI),'.' ⍝ Namespace that is calling this function
:For (ref event expr) :In ↓events
:Trap 0
⍝ Add the namespace of the caller to the name of the event
:If 0≠⎕NC expr
⍝ Callback function exist. Hook-up the event.
⍝ Callback function does not exist. Show warning and do not fix the event.
⎕←'FixXaml Warning - Function ',expr,' does not exist. The Event ''',event,''' of ''',ref,''' is not fixed.'
⍝ There is an error. Exit.
→0 ⍝ rootObj is returned here if there is no error.
⍝ Build the Error Message
:If 90≠⎕EN
⍝ APL Error
err←(1⊃⎕DM),': ',{(' '=1↑⍵)↓((1↓a,0)∨a←' '≠⍵)/⍵}(2⊃⎕DM),(⎕UCS 13)
⍝ .Net Error
⍝ Show the value of ⎕EXCEPTION if not (NULL).
err←('EXCEPTION: ',⎕EXCEPTION.Message),(⎕UCS 13)
⍝ If ⎕EXCEPTION is (NULL) than the .Message property is empty.
err←'EXCEPTION: Unknown error',(⎕UCS 13)
rootObj←⎕NULL err
∇ winParent←GetWindowParent object
⍝ Obtain the Windows Parent (Root Object) of a children's element.
:While 'System.Windows.Window'≢winParent.GetType.ToString
∇ bmpimg←ImageFromBase64String base64String;imageBytes;MS;⎕USING
⍝ Convert a Base64String to a System.Windows.Media.Imaging.BitmapImage.
⎕USING←'System.IO,mscorlib.dll' 'System,mscorlib.dll' 'System.Windows.Media.Imaging,WPF/PresentationCore.dll'
⍝ Convert Base64 String to byte[] as numbers.
⍝ Create a new MemoryStream with the byte[]
MS←⎕NEW MemoryStream(⊂imageBytes)
⍝ Create a BitmapImage Object from the Memory Stream
bmpimg←⎕NEW BitmapImage
⍝ The .OnLoad CacheOption will load the MemoryStream right now so it can be dispose.
⍝ That way there is no need to use a WriteableBitmap.
⍝ ⍝ Create a WriteableBitmap that does not need the MemoryStream to persist
⍝ ⍝ That way it is possible to erase the MemoryStream after creating the Image
⍝ bmpimg←⎕NEW WriteableBitmap bmpimg
⍝ Erase the MemoryStream
MS.Close ⋄ MS.Dispose ⋄ MS←⎕NULL
∇ ScriptFollowsDispatchDelegate obj;actions;delegate;dtlb;⎕IO;⎕ML;⎕USING
⍝ Function to write asynchronously to the UI thread from another thread.
⍝ The calling thread does not wait for the operation to finish.
⍝ Treat following commented lines in caller as a script.
⍝ Lines beginning with ⍝∇ are kept
⍝ Lines beginning with ⍝∇⍝ are stripped out (comments)
⍝ obj = UI Object that you want to write to from another thread
⍝ actions = Lines to execute in the UI thread.
(⎕IO ⎕ML)←1 3
:Trap 0
⎕USING←'System,System.dll' 'System.Windows.Threading,WPF/WindowsBase.dll'
⍝ Create a function (⍙Delegate) with the 'action' to execute in the UI thread.
⍝ The function will be executed where 'DispatchDelegate' is called and not where
⍝ 'DispatchDelegate' is located.
dtlb←{⍵{((∨\⍵)∧⌽∨\⌽⍵)/⍺}' '≠⍵}
actions←{{'⍝'=↑⍵:'' ⋄ ' ',dtlb ⍵}¨2↓¨⍵/⍨∧\(⊂'⍝∇')≡¨2↑¨⍵}dtlb¨(1+2⊃⎕LC)↓⎕NR 2⊃⎕XSI
delegate←(⎕IO⊃⎕RSI).⎕OR(⎕IO⊃⎕RSI).⎕FX(⊂'⍙Delegate'),actions,(⊂'⎕EX ''⍙Delegate''')
⍝ Get a 'Dispatcher' from the UI object. That way we are sure to have the right UI thread.
⍝ Use the method '.Invoke' instead of '.BeginInvoke' for synchronous call.
{}obj.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(DispatcherPriority.Normal(⎕NEW Action delegate))
⎕←'Error ScriptFollowsDispatchDelegate: ',actions
⍝ Returns the Last Error
:If 90=⎕EN
⎕←(1⊃⎕DM),': ',(2⊃⎕DM)
∇ rootObj←ScrubAndFix xamlString;err;names;nodeNumber;reader;stringReader;writer
⍝ Function to remove the Class and Events elements of Xaml and fix the resulting Xaml.
⍝ Each named element(s) object will be attached to rootObject.
⍝ Root element name is removed in all cases. Use the rootObj directly to access its properties/methods.
⍝ This function is most usefull when experimenting with Xaml taken directly from the Web but is slower than FixXaml.
⍝ Inspired from the code of XAMLPAD2009.
⍝ XamlString = Vector of Characters representing a XAML string
⍝ rootObj = WPF Root Element Object if no error
⍝ = ⎕NULL (explanation of error) if error
:Trap 0
⎕USING∪←'System.IO' 'System.Windows.Markup,WPF/PresentationFramework.dll' 'System.Xaml,System.Xaml.dll'
stringReader←⎕NEW StringReader(⊂xamlString)
reader←⎕NEW XamlXmlReader(stringReader XamlReader.GetWpfSchemaContext)
writer←⎕NEW XamlObjectWriter(reader.SchemaContext)
names←'' ⍝ Initial value of the names to fix.
nodeNumber←0 ⍝ Initial value of the node number.
:While reader.Read
:If 'StartObject'≡⍕reader.NodeType
⍝ Will increment of 1 each time a new node (with a new object) begins.
:If 'StartMember'≡⍕reader.NodeType
:AndIf reader.Member.Name≡'Class'
:ElseIf 'StartMember'≡⍕reader.NodeType
:AndIf reader.Member.IsEvent
:ElseIf 'StartMember'≡⍕reader.NodeType
:AndIf reader.Member.Name≡'Name'
⍝ Check if reader is on first node
:If 1≠nodeNumber
⍝ reader is not on first node. Keep the name.
⍝ reader is on first node. Don't keep the name.
⍝ Assign the value of each names found to the root object:
:If 0≠⍴names
⍝ Do nothing, there is no names.
⍝ Build the Error Message
:If 90≠⎕EN
⍝ APL Error
err←(1⊃⎕DM),': ',{(' '=1↑⍵)↓((1↓a,0)∨a←' '≠⍵)/⍵}(2⊃⎕DM),(⎕UCS 13)
⍝ .Net Error
:Trap 0
⍝ Show the value of ⎕EXCEPTION.Message if not ⎕NULL.
err←('EXCEPTION: ',⎕EXCEPTION.Message),(⎕UCS 13)
⍝ Sometimes ⎕EXCEPTION is (NULL) and will bug here.
err←'Exception (NULL): Unknown error',(⎕UCS 13)
rootObj←⎕NULL err
∇ __Button_Click(sender event);rootObject;⎕USING
⍝ Click Event Handler for the Button
⍝ Get the Root Object from the Button object (sender)
rootObject←GetWindowParent sender
⍝ Assign the new text to the TextBox.
rootObject.textBox1.Text←'I Was Clicked !'
⍝ Change some colors of the TextBox
⎕USING←'System.Windows.Media,WPF/PresentationCore.dll' 'System.Windows,WPF/PresentationFramework.dll'
rootObject.textBox1.Background←⎕NEW SolidColorBrush(Colors.Yellow)
rootObject.textBox1.BorderBrush←⎕NEW SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red)
rootObject.textBox1.BorderThickness←⎕NEW Thickness 3
∇ __EventHandler(sender event);name
⍝ Single Event Handler for the Window
⍝ Get name of the control that was clicked
⍝ sender is the Root Object in this case because
⍝ the routed event was attached to it.
sender.lStatusBar.Content←'I Was Clicked: ',name
⍝ Select the code to be executed:
:Select name
:Case 'mnuCut'
:Case 'mnuCopy'
:Case 'mnuPaste'
:Case 'mnuPrint'
:Case 'mnuQuit'
:Case 'mnuAbout'
:Case 'btnButton1'
:Case 'btnButton2'
:Case 'btnButton3'
'Error: Unknow Name'
⍝ Section BackgroundWorker
∇ BackgroundWorkerSample max;xaml
⍝ If you have an operation that will take a long time to complete, and you do not want to cause delays in your
⍝ user interface (UI), you can use the BackgroundWorker class from Microsoft to run the operation on another thread.
⍝ The BackgroundWorker offers several features which include spawning a background thread, the ability
⍝ to cancel the background process before it has completed, and the chance to report the progress back to your UI.
⍝ For multithread operation with APL it is recommended to wait on the Window on a different thread,
⍝ that way the thread 0 of the session is not blocked. So the Window will wait on thread 1 and the
⍝ long calculation will be done on tread 2.
⍝ This function will simulate a long calculation with the use of a BackgroundWorker.
⍝ It is finding all the numbers that are a multiple of 42 between 1 and 'max'
⍝ Start the demo function by doing: BackgroundWorkerSample& 1000
⍝ In this case it will find all the multiple of 42 between 1 and 1000.
⍝ The Spawn operator '&' is telling APL to run the function on another thread (in our case thread no 1)
⍝ BackgroundWorkerSample = Main function
⍝ __btnDoAsynchronousCalculation_Click = Callback of the 'Start' button
⍝ __btnCancelAsynchronousCalculation_Click = Callback of the 'Cancel' button
⍝ __worker_DoWork = Does the long calculation on another thread (in our case thread no 2)
⍝ __worker_ProgressChanged = Change the UI to show the progress. Executed on thread no 1 (UI).
⍝ __worker_RunWorkerCompleted = Callback when the DoWork callback is finished. Executed on thread no 1 (UI).
⍝ Inspired from the following:
⍝ http://www.wpf-tutorial.com/misc/multi-threading-with-the-backgroundworker/
⍝ http://www.wpf-tutorial.com/misc/cancelling-the-backgroundworker/
⍝ http://www.jeremybytes.com/downloads/backgroundworkerinwpf.pdf
⍝ https://msdn.microsoft.com/fr-fr/library/cc221403(v=vs.95).aspx
{}2520⌶1 ⍝ Use separate thread for .Net
xaml,←' '
xaml,←' '
xaml,←' '
xaml,←' '
xaml,←' '
xaml,←' '
xaml,←' '
xaml,←' '
:If ⎕NULL≡↑win←FixXaml xaml
⍝ Fixing the Xaml did not work. Show the error and exit.
⍝ There is no error.
∇ __btnDoAsynchronousCalculation_Click(sender event)
⍝ Function using a 'BackgroundWorker' thread to do long calculation or blocking action on another thread.
⍝ The ProgressBar and ListBox are reset
⍝ Get a BackgroundWorker object from System.ComponentModel in System.dll
win.worker←⎕NEW BackgroundWorker
⍝ The event 'DoWork' occurs when the method 'RunWorkerAsync' is called.
⍝ The event handler executes on another thread the time-consuming operation.
⍝ You cannot access the UI thread from this callback.
⍝ The event 'ProgressChanged' occurs when the method 'ReportProgress' is called within the 'DoWork' event function (__worker_DoWork).
⍝ The 'ProgressChanged' event handler executes on the thread that created the BackgroundWorker (should be the UI thread).
win.worker.WorkerReportsProgress←1 ⍝ Specify that you want the background operation to report progress.
⍝ The event 'RunWorkerCompleted' occurs when the DoWork event handler returns.
⍝ Specify you want the background operation to allow cancellation.
⍝ Starts execution of the background operation by raising the 'DoWork' event asynchronously.
⍝ The .IsBusy property can be used to check if the worker is already running.
win.worker.RunWorkerAsync win.max
⍝ The previous line returns immediately so we can set the properties of the buttons.
∇ __btnCancelAsynchronousCalculation_Click(sender event)
⍝ To cancel the calculation execute the method .CancelAsync of the BackgroundWorker
⍝ This will sets the CancellationPending property to true of the BackgroundWorker
⍝ The function of the 'DoWork' event should periodically check the CancellationPending property to see if it has been set to true.
⍝ event = System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs
∇ __worker_DoWork(sender event);errorException;errorMessage;i;max;progressPercentage;result
⍝ Event handler executed on another thread when the method 'RunWorkerAsync' is called on the BackgroundWorker object.
⍝ If your background operation requires a parameter, call 'RunWorkerAsync' with your parameter.
⍝ You can extract the parameter from the 'DoWorkEventArgs.Argument' property.
⍝ You must be careful not to manipulate any user-interface objects in your 'DoWork' event handler.
⍝ Instead, communicate to the user interface through 'ProgressChanged' and 'RunWorkerCompleted' events.
⍝ event = System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs
⍝ It is recommended to put the calculations executed on this other thread inside a ':Trap' statement
⍝ and report the error(s) on the UI thread via an 'ArgumentException'.
⍝ This make it easier to debug and to report the error.
{}2501⌶0 ⍝ Discard thread on exit
:Trap 0
max←event.Argument ⍝ Get the argument of the 'RunWorkerAsync' method.
⍝ Find all the number divisible by 42 from 1 to 'max'
:For i :In ⍳max
⍝ Test if the Cancel button was clicked
:If sender.CancellationPending
⍝ No cancellation. Do the next calculation.
progressPercentage←Convert.ToInt32(100×i÷max) ⍝ Must be an Int32. (Not coerce by APL)
⍝ Do the calculation and report progress on the UI with the '.ReportProgress' method of the BackgroundWorker.
:If 0=42|i
⍝ 'i' is a multiple of 42
⍝ The first argument will be in event.ProgressPercentage (Int32)
⍝ The second argument (optional) will be in event.UserState (object)
⍝ 'i' is not a multiple of 42
⍝ Simulate a long calculation by blocking the thread artificially
Thread.Sleep 10 ⍝ With Thread.Sleep 1 it does not work. APL too fast for Windows ?
⍝ ↓↓↓ This will call the event 'RunWorkerCompleted' with an argument in the .Result property.
event.Result←max result
⍝ There has been an error. Build the error message
:If 90≠⎕EN
⍝ APL Error
errorMessage←(1⊃⎕DM),': ',{(' '=1↑⍵)↓((1↓a,0)∨a←' '≠⍵)/⍵}(2⊃⎕DM),(⎕UCS 13)
⍝ .Net Error
⍝ Show the value of ⎕EXCEPTION if not (NULL).
errorMessage←('EXCEPTION: ',⎕EXCEPTION.Message),(⎕UCS 13)
⍝ If ⎕EXCEPTION is (NULL) than the .Message property is empty.
errorMessage←'EXCEPTION: Unknown error',(⎕UCS 13)
⍝ This Exception will terminate the iteration and call the 'RunWorkerCompleted' event.
⍝ The error can be obtained in the function '__worker_RunWorkerCompleted' that is running on the UI thread.
errorException←⎕NEW ArgumentException(⊂errorMessage)
errorException ⎕SIGNAL 90
∇ __worker_ProgressChanged(sender event)
⍝ Callback function of the event 'ProgressChanged'
⍝ It is excuted on the thread that created the BackgroundWorker
⍝ The UI can be access from this function
⍝ event = System.ComponentModel.ProgressChangedEventArgs
⍝ Get first argument
⍝ Get second argument of callback if not [Null].
:If '[Null]'≢⍕event.get_UserState
⍝ Position the ListBox at the end.
∇ __worker_RunWorkerCompleted(sender event);max;result
⍝ This event is raised when the DoWork event handler returns.
⍝ It is excuted on the thread that created the BackgroundWorker
⍝ The UI can be access from this function
⍝ event = System.ComponentModel.RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs
⍝ Check if it was cancelled
:If event.Cancelled
{}MessageBox.Show(⊂'The calculation was Cancel')
⍝ Check if there was an error
:ElseIf '[Null]'≢⍕event.get_Error
⍝ The 'errorMessage' of '__worker_DoWork' is in 'event.Error.Message'
⍝ The argument passed by '__worker_DoWork' is in 'event.Result'
(max result)←event.Result
{}MessageBox.Show(⊂'Numbers between 1 and ',(⍕max),' divisible by 42: ',⍕result)
⍝ Setup the UI for another calculation
⍝ Clean-up