= netUpperLowerCase = == LowerCase and UpperCase == The 2 functions `ToLowercase` and `ToUppercase` are used when dealing with Unicode characters: {{{ ToLowercase←{ (0=1↑0⍴⍵):'' ⎕USING←',mscorlib.dll' (⎕NEW System.String(⊂,⍵)).ToLowerInvariant } ToUppercase←{ (0=1↑0⍴⍵):'' ⎕USING←',mscorlib.dll' (⎕NEW System.String(⊂,⍵)).ToUpperInvariant } ToUppercase 'monday' MONDAY ToUppercase¨ 'sunday' 'monday' 'tuesday' SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY ToUppercase 'Вторник' ВТОРНИК }}} == Remove the Accents (diacritics) == The following function can be used to remove the accents of Unicode words. This is useful to normalize the text input of user when used for searching. {{{ r←RemoveAccents string;str;strFormD;stringBuilder;⎕USING ⍝ Function to remove the accents. ⍝ For example: 'Crème Brûlée' becomes 'Creme Brulee' ⍝ Adapted from the following posts: ⍝ http://www.siao2.com/2005/02/19/376617.aspx ⍝ http://www.siao2.com/2007/05/14/2629747.aspx ⎕USING←'System,mscorlib.dll' 'System.Text,mscorlib.dll' 'System.Globalization,mscorlib.dll' str←⎕NEW String(⊂string) strFormD←str.Normalize(NormalizationForm.FormD) stringBuilder←⎕NEW StringBuilder {UnicodeCategory.NonSpacingMark≠CharUnicodeInfo.GetUnicodeCategory(⍵):{}stringBuilder.Append(⍵)}¨strFormD str←⎕NEW String(⊂stringBuilder.ToString ⍬) r←str.Normalize(NormalizationForm.FormC) }}} And here is some utilization of the function: {{{ RemoveAccents 'Crème Brûlée' Creme Brulee RemoveAccents 'âãäåçèéêë ìíîïðñòó ôõöùúûüý' aaaaceeee iiiiðnoo ooouuuuy }}} ---- CategoryDyalog CategoryDyalogDotNet CategoryDyalogExamplesDotNet