Attachment 'HTTP.v1.0.txt'
Download 1 :Class HTTP
2 ⍝ Provides a base class for sending HTTP requests and receiving HTTP responses from a resource identified by a URI.
4 ⍝ List of Methods:
5 ⍝ GET = Sends a GET request to the specified Uri and returns the response as Bytes in an asynchronous operation.
8 ⍝ .Net assemblies:
9 :Using
10 :Using System,System.dll
11 :Using System.Net,System.dll
12 :Using System.Net.Http,System.Net.Http.dll
14 (⎕IO ⎕ML ⎕WX)←1 3 3 ⍝ System variables
16 :Field Public _Uri
17 :Field Public _TimeOut←5000 ⍝ Default Time-out value in milliseconds
19 ∇ Init0
20 :Access Public
21 :Implements Constructor
22 _Uri←⎕NULL
23 ∇
25 ∇ r←BuildUri url
26 ⍝ Build a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI)
27 ⍝ url = IP Address as numbers (192 168 1 1) or characters ('' or '')
29 ⍝ r[1] = 1 for Success, 0 for Failure
30 ⍝ r[2] = URI if Successfull, Literal Error if Failure
32 :Trap 0
33 :If 0=↑1↑0⍴url ⍝ Numbers ?
34 url←(⎕NEW IPAddress(⊂,url)).ToString
35 _Uri←(⎕NEW UriBuilder(⊂,url)).Uri
36 r←1 _Uri
38 :Else
39 ⍝ Characters
40 _Uri←(⎕NEW UriBuilder(⊂,url)).Uri
41 r←1 _Uri
43 :EndIf
45 :Else
46 ⍝ Show the error.
47 :If 90=⎕EN
48 ⍝ .Net Error
49 r←0('URI: ',⎕EXCEPTION.GetBaseException.Message)
50 :Else
51 ⍝ APL Error
52 r←0(1⊃⎕DM),': ',{(' '=1↑⍵)↓((1↓a,0)∨a←' '≠⍵)/⍵}(2⊃⎕DM)
53 :EndIf
54 :EndTrap
55 ∇
58 ∇ r←{timeOut}GET(url get);http;task;uri
59 :Access Public
60 ⍝ Sends a GET request to the specified Uri and returns the response as Bytes in an asynchronous operation.
61 ⍝ url = IP Address as numbers (192 168 1 1) or characters ('' or '')
62 ⍝ get = GET request
63 ⍝ timeOut = Optional delay to wait for the completion of the GET request
64 ⍝ If not specify, the value of the Field _TimeOut will be used
65 ⍝
66 ⍝ r[1] = 1 for Success, 0 for Failure
67 ⍝ r[2] = Response as bytes if Successful, Literal Error if Failure
68 ⍝ The response can be transform to characters by using ⎕UCS with the proper encoding.
69 ⍝
71 ⍝
72 ⍝ http ← ⎕NEW HTTP
73 ⍝ request ← http.GET '' '/rfc/rfc793.txt'
74 ⍝ request ← ⎕UCS 2⊃request ⍝ Convert bytes to characters with no encoding
75 ⍝ request ← ⊃{⎕ML←3 ⋄ (⍵≠⎕UCS 10)⊂⍵}request ⍝ Format the request as text
76 ⍝
77 ⍝ request ← http.GET '' '/search?q=dyalog+apl'
78 ⍝ request ← ⎕UCS 2⊃request ⍝ Convert bytes to characters with no encoding
79 ⍝ request ← '<',⊃{⎕ML←3 ⋄ (⍵≠'<')⊂⍵}request ⍝ Format the request as HTML
81 ⍝ Parse the url
82 :If 0=1↑r←BuildUri url
83 ⍝ Failure to build the URI. Return the error as result.
84 →0
85 :Else
86 ⍝ Success
87 uri←2⊃r
88 :End
90 ⍝ Set timeOut from field if not present
91 :If 0=⎕NC'timeOut'
92 timeOut←_TimeOut
93 :End
95 ⍝ Make the GET request
96 :Trap 0
97 http←⎕NEW HttpClient
98 http.Timeout←⎕NEW TimeSpan(0,0,0,timeOut)
99 http.BaseAddress←uri
100 task←http.GetByteArrayAsync(⊂,get)
102 ⍝ Wait no more than _TimeOut for the task to complete
103 :If ⎕TSYNC{task.Wait ⍵}&(_TimeOut)
104 ⍝ Success
105 r←1 task.Result
106 task.Dispose
107 :Else
108 ⍝ Failure
109 r←0('HTTP GET Task did not complete: ',task.GetBaseException.Message)
110 :EndIf
112 :Else
113 ⍝ Show the error.
114 :If 90=⎕EN
115 ⍝ .Net Error
116 r←0('HTTP GET: ',⎕EXCEPTION.GetBaseException.Message)
117 :Else
118 ⍝ APL Error
119 r←0(1⊃⎕DM),': ',{(' '=1↑⍵)↓((1↓a,0)∨a←' '≠⍵)/⍵}(2⊃⎕DM)
120 :EndIf
121 :EndTrap
123 ⍝ Clean-up
124 :Trap 0
125 http.Dispose
126 :EndTrap
127 ∇
129 :EndClass
Attached Files
To refer to attachments on a page, use attachment:filename, as shown below in the list of files. Do NOT use the URL of the [get] link, since this is subject to change and can break easily.You are not allowed to attach a file to this page.