Interface to MatLab

This interface uses builtin MatLab COM (OLE) Server

Sample APL Session

     )load r2apl
d:\r2apl saved Mon Apr 06 22:10:59 2009
      mlinit   ⍝ initialize connection to MatLab COM server
      )obs     ⍝ new object MatLab is created
      mlput 2 3⍴⍳6 ⍝ put APL matrix to MatLab

Do something in MatLab

» X

X =

     1     2     3
     4     5     6

» sum(X)

ans =

     5     7     9

» s=sum(X);

Back to APL

      mlget 's'
5 7 9
      mlexec 'surf(peaks)'

And MatLab graphics window pops up:


Dyalog APL functions


Initialize APL connection to MatLab COM Server.

     ∇ mlinit
[1]    ⍝ version for ⎕SE
[2]    '#.MatLab'⎕WC'OleClient' 'Matlab.Application'
[3]    2 ⎕NQ'#.MatLab' 'SetMethodInfo' 'PutFullMatrix'(('' 'VT_VOID')('Name' 'VT_BSTR')('Workspace' 'VT_BSTR')('pr' 'VT_ARRAY of VT_R8')('pi' 'VT_ARRAY of VT_R8'))


Execute MatLab expression and possibly return the result to APL

     ∇ {a}←mlexec exp
[1]    ⍝ Execute MatLab expression and convert char2num
[2]    ⍝R: MatLab expression ('char')
[3]    ⍝e: mlexec 'surf(peaks)'
[4]    ⍎(';'≠¯1↑exp)/'exp←exp,'';'''
[5]    a←#.MatLab.Execute exp


Put APL array into MatLab

     ∇ {m}mlput a;x1
[1]    ⍝ Version for ⎕SE
[2]    ⍝ Put APL array to MatLab
[3]    ⍝R-name of variable to export from APL
[4]    ⍝L-name of variable to create in MatLab
[5]    ⍎(0=⎕NC'm')/'m←''X''' ⍝ Default
[6]    #.MatLab.PutFullMatrix m'base'a 0
[7]    a←#.MatLab.Execute m,'=real(',m,');'


Get MatLab variable (matrix or vector) to APL

     ∇ r←mlget x;rho;Re;Im;⎕ML
[1]     ⍝ version for ⎕SE
[2]   ⍝ Get MatLab matrix to APL
[3]   ⍝L-name of variable to import ('char')
[4]    ⎕ML←3
[5]    rho←#.MatLab.Execute'size(',x,')'
[6]    rho←1↓(~rho∊⎕TC)⊂rho
[7]    rho←{⍎¨(⍵≠' ')⊂⍵}¨rho
[8]    rho←∊rho
[9]    Re←rho⍴0 ⍝ Protorype variable
[10]   Im←0
[11]   r←↑#.MatLab.GetFullMatrix x'base'Re Im

Author: AlexanderSkomorokhov 2009-04-06


ml2apl (last edited 2009-04-07 08:34:53 by KaiJaeger)