Currently using Dyalog APL to develop several single-user desktop applications. Used other versions of APL in the past in development groups of varying sizes. Dabbled with variants like J and K. Has also used other programming languages, but...

General Principles:

Dyalog Specifics: Use control structures to aid clarity. Especially to avoid arrrow-style branching. Use in-line dynamic functions to make code simpler. Use language constructs which simplify APL, such as the indexing function and dot-syntax. Don't hang onto archaisms like bracket-indexing just because they are familiar.

Current Fads: Making increasing use of namespace scripts to hold utility code which is shared across applications. Making increasing use of class scripts to handle data.

Detestations: Code that is "squished up" to look denser, in particular diamond statement separators. Code with comments mingled in and interfering with the real code. Error-trapping used to implement application logic.

Disclaimer - this page written on 23 January 2009, preferences and practices may have changed.