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DickBowman is pissed off with this question nonsennse Currently using Dyalog APL to develop several single-user desktop applications. Used other versions of APL in the past in development groups of varying sizes. Dabbled with variants like J and K. Has also
used other programming languages, but...
General Principles:
APL has its origins as a way to improve communication between people, never forget this.
Stick to the "functions take their input from arguments and produce results" wherever possible. As a sub-rule, put "controlling parameters" in the left argument and "data" in the right.
Keep defined functions (and operators) brief.
Insulate your code from the outside world by localising any system variables that it depends on.
If you need to include comments to make your code clear, you aren't making your code clear.
So long as performance is adequate, maintainability is the most important aspect of coding style.
Dyalog Specifics:
Use control structures to aid clarity. Especially to avoid arrrow-style branching.
Use in-line dynamic functions to make code simpler.
Use language constructs which simplify APL, such as the indexing function and dot-syntax. Don't hang onto archaisms like bracket-indexing just because they are familiar.
Current Fads:
Making increasing use of namespace scripts to hold utility code which is shared across applications.
Making increasing use of class scripts to handle data.
Code that is "squished up" to look denser, in particular diamond statement separators.
Code with comments mingled in and interfering with the real code.
Error-trapping used to implement application logic.
Disclaimer - this page written on 23 January 2009, preferences and practices may have changed.

Currently using Dyalog APL to develop several single-user desktop applications. Used other versions of APL in the past in development groups of varying sizes. Dabbled with variants like J and K. Has also used other programming languages, but... General Principles: APL has its origins as a way to improve communication between people, never forget this. Stick to the "functions take their input from arguments and produce results" wherever possible. As a sub-rule, put "controlling parameters" in the left argument and "data" in the right. Keep defined functions (and operators) brief. Insulate your code from the outside world by localising any system variables that it depends on. If you need to include comments to make your code clear, you aren't making your code clear. So long as performance is adequate, maintainability is the most important aspect of coding style. Dyalog Specifics: Use control structures to aid clarity. Especially to avoid arrrow-style branching. Use in-line dynamic functions to make code simpler. Use language constructs which simplify APL, such as the indexing function and dot-syntax. Don't hang onto archaisms like bracket-indexing just because they are familiar. Current Fads: Making increasing use of namespace scripts to hold utility code which is shared across applications. Making increasing use of class scripts to handle data. Detestations: Code that is "squished up" to look denser, in particular diamond statement separators. Code with comments mingled in and interfering with the real code. Error-trapping used to implement application logic. Disclaimer - this page written on 23 January 2009, preferences and practices may have changed.

Working Practices - Dick Bowman (last edited 2009-06-14 15:05:37 by anonymous)