Differences between revisions 15 and 16
Revision 15 as of 2018-02-15 21:10:43
Size: 2126
Editor: KaiJaeger
Revision 16 as of 2018-03-03 11:34:13
Size: 102
Editor: KaiJaeger
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
Line 3: Line 3:
~-<<SeeSaw(section="table-of-contents", show="true", seesaw="false", toshow="<<(Show>> table-of-contents)", tohide="<<(Hide>> table-of-contents)", speed="Slow")>>-~

`WinSys` offers methods that are userful for getting information regarding the Windows operating system.

Note that there is also a class [[OS]] which aims to offers methods you want to have on all supported platforms (Windows, Linux, Mac OS) like getting the process ID of the current process or killing a process etc.

`WinSys` is part of the CategoryAplTree project.

== Examples ==

=== Methods ===
 || '''Name''' || '''Remark''' ||
 || `CONSTANT` || ||
 || `CreateParms_ShellExecute` || ||
 || `ExpandEnv` || ||
 || `FindExecutable` || ||
 || `FindWindow` || ||
 || `GetAllDrives` || ||
 || `GetComputerName` || ||
 || `GetDiskFreeSpace` || ||
 || `GetDPI` || ||
 || `GetDriveAndType` || ||
 || `GetFormCaptionFontInfo` || ||
 || `GetHandleFromCaption` || ||
 || `GetLastError` || ||
 || `GetModuleFileName` || ||
 || `GetMsgFrom` || ||
 || `GetProcessID` || (deprecated; see [[OS]]) ||
 || `GetSystemMetrics` || ||
 || `GetSystemParametersInfo` || ||
 || `GetVersion` || ||
 || `GetWindowsDirectory` || ||
 || `IsRunningAsAdmin` || ||
 || `KillProcess` || (deprecated; see [[OS]]) ||
 || `List_SM` || ||
 || `SetWindowParms` || ||
 || `ShellExecute` || ||
 || `Version` || ||

=== Constants ===

||SM_CXSCREEN ||Screen size ||
||SM_CXVSCROLL ||Vertical scroll bar width ||
||SM_CYVSCROLL ||Vertical scroll bar arrow bitmap height ||
||SM_CXHSCROLL ||Horizontal scroll bar arrow bitmap width||
||SM_CYHSCROLL ||Horizontal scroll bar height ||
||SM_CYCAPTION ||Window title height of with frame ||
||SM_CXBORDER← ||2D window border size ||


The project has been relocated to [[https://github.com/aplteam/WinSys]] on 2018-03-03.


The project has been relocated to https://github.com/aplteam/WinSys on 2018-03-03.

WinSys (last edited 2018-03-03 11:34:13 by KaiJaeger)