Differences between revisions 19 and 25 (spanning 6 versions)
Revision 19 as of 2011-08-05 07:42:17
Size: 2794
Editor: KaiJaeger
Revision 25 as of 2015-04-04 08:39:44
Size: 1751
Editor: KaiJaeger
Comment: New version
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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== Assumptions ==
When User Commands got introduced in Dyalog with version 12.1, the User Commands where expected to reside in a sub folder `Salt\Spice` inside the Dyalog installation folder. This means that the script `ADOC.dyalog` attached to this page must go into this directory. Only then the User Commd "ADOC" is recognized. Note that this script only deal with two issues:

 * Figure out what command the user want to invoke, "Browse" or "List".
 * Find the real work horse and call it, see below.

That script which represents the ADOC User Command assumes that there is a sibling folder of your APL installation folder available named `UserCommands`. Please make sure that the real [[ADOC]] script is copied into this folder `UserCommands`. This enables the User Command script to address the real ADOC script `{MyDyalogInstallationFolder}..\UserCommands\ADOC`.

For example, in case your version of Dyalog APL 32bit is installed in `C:\Program Files (x86)\Dyalog\Dyalog APL 12.1 Unicode` which is the default on Windows 7 64 bit, then the folder `UserCommands` is supposed to be located at `C:\Program Files (x86)\Dyalog\UserCommands`.
Refer to UserCommands/WhereShouldTheyGo for advice how to organize your User Commands.
Line 23: Line 15:
"??" for general help, "?CMD" for more specific info on command CMD

 Group Name Description
 ===== ==== ===========
 ADOC ADOC.Browse Creates full documentation and displayes it in the default browser.
        ADOC.HELP Displays help regarding ADOC.
        ADOC.List Prints syntax of all public stuff to the session.

Command "ADOC.Browse". Syntax: 1 arguments; accepts switches -b=
Script location: ........\....\....\ADOC

Gathers information from a class script, compiles
an HTML page with these pieces of information
and displays it in your default browser.
Line 41: Line 16:
Command "ADOC.List".
Script location: ........\...\...\ADOC
Command "ADOC.List". Syntax: 1 arguments; accepts switches -full
Script location: C:\UserCommands\ADOC_UC
Line 47: Line 22:
Watch your browser
Command "ADOC.Browse". Syntax: accepts switches -caption= -browser=
Script location: C:\UserCommands\ADOC_UC

 Gathers all sort of information from a class script and
 compiles an HTML page from it which is then displayed
 with your default browser.

 ]ADOC.Browse ADOC ⍝ Single class
 ]ADOC.Browse ADOC,WinFile ⍝ Two classes, no blank in between!
 ]ADOC.Browse ADOC,WinFile -caption="My Doc"
 ]ADOC.Browse ADOC,WinFile -caption="My Doc" browser="c:\opera.exe

 Available switches:
 -caption="Your caption"
 -browser="full path to a browser which is not your default one"

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The script is version 1.2,0 from 2011-08-04 The script is version 1.5.0 from 2015-04-04

User Command ADOC


ADOC is a utility useful to generate documentation (semi-) automatically from class scripts as well as namespace scripts.

Obviously it makes sense to make ADOC's services available as a User Command.

This page offers a small class script ADOC which is designed to do exactly that.

Refer to UserCommands/WhereShouldTheyGo for advice how to organize your User Commands.


Given that the two different ADOC scripts went into the right folders, this would be a sample session:

Command "ADOC.List". Syntax: 1 arguments; accepts switches -full
Script location: C:\UserCommands\ADOC_UC

Prints a list with all sorts of information to the session
about all public stuff given in the script specified in the right argument

Command "ADOC.Browse". Syntax:  accepts switches -caption= -browser=
Script location: C:\UserCommands\ADOC_UC

 Gathers all sort of information from a class script and
 compiles an HTML page from it which is then displayed
 with your default browser.

 ]ADOC.Browse ADOC                      ⍝ Single class
 ]ADOC.Browse ADOC,WinFile    ⍝ Two classes, no blank in between!
 ]ADOC.Browse ADOC,WinFile -caption="My Doc"
 ]ADOC.Browse ADOC,WinFile -caption="My Doc" browser="c:\opera.exe

 Available switches:
 -caption="Your caption"
 -browser="full path to a browser which is not your default one"


Shows extensive information about ADOC. It's basically doing `ADOC.Browse ADOC`.


Download the script.


The script is version 1.5.0 from 2015-04-04

Author: KaiJaeger


UserCommands/Adoc (last edited 2019-05-30 07:31:15 by KaiJaeger)