Differences between revisions 5 and 32 (spanning 27 versions)
Revision 5 as of 2011-10-18 13:56:51
Size: 7760
Editor: KaiJaeger
Revision 32 as of 2018-03-03 11:47:23
Size: 102
Editor: KaiJaeger
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## page was renamed from AplAplTemplate
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~-<<SeeSaw(section="table-of-contents", show="true", seesaw="false", toshow="<<(Show>> table-of-contents)", tohide="<<(Hide>> table-of-contents)", speed="Slow")>>-~

|| /!\ Work in progress ||

`Tester` is part of the CategoryAplTree project.

== Overview ==
The purpose of this class is to provide a framework for testing all the projects of the APLTree project. Only with such a framework is it possible to make changes to the test suite without too much hassle.
You might find the framework flexible enough to suit your own needs when it comes to implementing tests.

== Details ==

=== Terminology ===

Note that test case causing a crash are considered "broken" Test cases that do not get the expected result are considered "failing".

=== Assumptions and preconditions ===

 1. The `#.Tester` class assumes that all your tests are hosted by an ordinary namespace. All methods take a ref to that namespace as an argument.
 1. All test functions inside that namespace are expected to start their names with the string `Test_` followed by digits.
 1. The first line after the header must carry a comment telling what is actually tested. Keep in mind that later you might be in need for finding out which test cases are testing a certain method!
 1. It is assumed that you have three different scenarios when you want to run test cases with a different behaviour:
    * Run with error trapping and return a log (vector of text vectors) reporting details. Run this before checking in. See `Tester.Run` for details.
    * Run without error trapping. Use this for investigating why test cases unexpectedly fail. See `Tester.RunDebug` for details.
    * Run "batch mode". It is assumed that those test cases that need a human being in front of the monitor are '''not''' executed when running in batch mode. See `Tester.RunBatchTests` for details.
 1. Every test function must accept a right argument which is a two-item vector of Booleans:
    1. `stopFlag` (0=use error trapping)
    1. `batchFlag` (0=does not run in batch mode)
 1. Every test function must return a scalar integer with one of:
    * `0`: the test case is okay.
    * `1`: the test case failed.
    * `-1`: means the test case did not execute itself because it is not designed to run in batch mode.

== Work flow ==

No matter which of the three main methods (`Run`, `RunBatchTests`, `RunDebug`) you are going to call, the workflow is always the same:

=== INI file s ===

First of all the `Run*` method checks whether there is a file `testcases_{computername}.ini`. If this is the case that INI file is processed. Use this to specify important computer-dependent variables.

It then checks whether there is a file `testcases.ini`. If this is the case that INI file is processed, too. Use this to specify general stuff that does not depend on a certain computer/environment.

Note that if one or both INI files exist there will be a flat namespace `{yourTestNamespace}.INI`, meaning that sections in the INI file are ignored. An example: if your test functions are hosted by a namespace "foo" and your INI file specifies a variable hello as holding "world" then:


== Best Pratices ==

 * Try to keep your test cases simple and test just one thing at a time, if possible a method.
 * Create everything you need and tidy up afterwards. Or more precisely, tidy up (left overs!), create, test, tidy up again.
 * ....

== Methods ==
<<SeeSaw(section="methods", toshow="<<Show>> the methods", tohide="<<Hide>> the methods", bg="#FEE1A5", speed="Slow")>>
{{{{#!wiki seesaw/methods/methods-bg/hide

=== GetAllTestFns ===

r←GetAllTestFns refToTestNamespace
Returns the names of all test functions found in namespace "refToTestNamespace".

=== ListTestCases ===

r←ListTestCases refToTestNamespace;list

Returns the comment expected in line 1 of all test cases found in "refToTestNamespace".

=== Run ===

{log}←Run refToTestNamespace;flags
Runs all test cases in "refToTestNamespace" with error trapping. Broken as well as failing tests are reported in the session as such but they don't stop the program from carrying on.

=== RunBatchTests ===

{(rc log)}←RunBatchTests refToTestNamespace

Runs all test cases in "refToTestNamespace" but tells the test functions that this is a batch run meaning that test cases which are reporting to the session for any reason and those in need for a human being for interaction should quit silently.
Returns 0 for okay or a 1 in case one or more test cases are broken or failed.
This method can run in a runtime as well as in an automated test environment.

=== RunDebug ===

{log}←{stop}RunDebug refToTestNamespace

Runs all test cases in "refToTestNamespace" <b>without</b> error trapping. If a test case encounters an invalid result it stops. Use this function to investigate the details after "Run" detected a problem.
This will work only if you use a particualar strategy when checking results in a test case

=== RunTheseIn ===

=== Version ===

Returns version (x.y.z) and date (yyyy-mm-dd) of the class `#.Tester`


== Examples ==
<<SeeSaw(section="samples", toshow="<<Show>> the examples", tohide="<<Hide>> the examples", bg="#FEE1A5", speed="Slow")>>
{{{{#!wiki seesaw/samples/samples-bg/hide

      )load APLTree\WinFile
      #.Tester.GetAllTestFns #.TestCases
 Test_001 Test_002 Test_003 Test_004 Test_005 ...
      ⊃#.Tester.ListTestCases #.TestCases
Exercise "MkDir"
Exercise "RmDir"
Exercise "Dir"
Exercise "DirX"
#.Tester.Run #.TestCases
--- Tests started at 2011-10-18 07:15:25 on #.TestCases -------------------------------------
  Test_001: Exercise "MkDir"
  Test_002: Exercise "RmDir"
  Test_003: Exercise "Dir"
  Test_004: Exercise "DirX"
  Test_005: Exercise "cd"
  Test_006: Exercise "Delete"
  Test_007: Exercise "DateOf"
  Test_008: Exercise "DoesExistDir"
  Test_009: Exercise "DoesExistFile"
  Test_010: Exercise "DoesExist"
  Test_011: Exercise "GetAllDrives"
  Test_012: Exercise "GetDriveAndType"
  Test_013: Exercise "IsDirEmpty"
  Test_014: Exercise "ListDirXIndices"
  Test_015: Exercise "ListFileAttributes"
  Test_016: Exercise "YoungerThan"
  Test_017: Exercise "GetTempFileName"
  Test_018: Exercise "GetTempPath"
  Test_019: Exercise "WriteAnsiFile" and "ReadAnsiFile"
  Test_020: Exercise "CopyTo"
  Test_021: Exercise "MoveTo"
  Test_022: Exercise "ListDirsOnly"
  Test_023: Exercise "CheckPath"
  Test_024: Exercise "PWD"
  Test_025: Exercise "IsFilenameOkay"
  Test_026: Exercise "IsFoldername"
   26 test cases executed
   0 test cases failed
   0 test cases broken

      ⎕←↑#.Tester.RunBatchTests #.TestCases

 4 #.Tester.RunDebug #.TestCases ⍝ Stop at test case number 4
--- Tests started at 2011-10-18 07:16:03 on #.TestCases -------------------------------------
  Test_001: Exercise "MkDir"
  Test_002: Exercise "RmDir"
  Test_003: Exercise "Dir"

⍝ Now you can trace into the forth test case.


== Project Page ==

For bug reports, future enhancements and a full version history see [[Tester/ProjectPage]]

== Version Information ==
||Original author: || KaiJaeger||
||Responsible: || KaiJaeger ||
||Email: || kai@aplteam.com ||


The project has been relocated to [[https://github.com/aplteam/Tester]] on 2018-03-03.


The project has been relocated to https://github.com/aplteam/Tester on 2018-03-03.

Tester (last edited 2018-03-03 11:47:23 by KaiJaeger)