Spelling Numbers in Words: A solution
R←SpellNumber number;⎕IO;units;tens;thousands;numgroups;vals;group;h;t;u ⎕IO←0 number←⌊⍬⍴number ⍝ Names of numbers 0 - 19: NB 0 is blank units←'' 'one' 'two' 'three' 'four' 'five' 'six' 'seven' 'eight' 'nine' units←units, 'ten' 'eleven' 'twelve' 'thirteen' 'fourteen' 'fifteen' units←units, 'sixteen' 'seventeen' 'eighteen' 'nineteen' ⍝ Names of tens: NB 0 and 10 are blank tens←'' '' 'twenty' 'thirty' 'forty' 'fifty' 'sixty' 'seventy' 'eighty' 'ninety' ⍝ Names of thousands groups thousands←'trillion' 'billion' 'million' 'thousand' 'zero' :If number = 0 R←'zero' :Else ⍝ Decode |number and loop to handle in groups of a thousand R←'' numgroups←↑⍴thousands vals←(numgroups⍴1000) ⊤ |number :For group :In ⍳numgroups :If 0≠vals[group] ⍝ Get hundreds, tens and units (h t u)←10 10 10 ⊤ vals[group] ⍝ Adjust for teens, e.g. 1 3 -> 0 13 (t u)←t u + ¯1 10 × t = 1 ⍝ Put comma before any hundreds if not first R←R,((0≠⍴R)^0≠h)/', ' ⍝ Handle any hundreds R←R,(0≠h)/(⊃units[h]), ' hundred' ⍝ Want 'and' if anything left in group and not at start of whole thing R←R,((0≠⍴R)^0≠t+u)/' and ' ⍝ Handle tens and units, possibly with hyphen as in 'twenty-six' R←R,⊃tens[t] R←R,(^/0≠t u)/'-' R←R,⊃units[u] ⍝ Put 'thousand', etc :If group < numgroups - 1 R←R,' ',⊃thousands [group] :EndIf :EndIf :EndFor :EndIf ⍝ Add any 'minus ' at the front R←((number<0)/'minus '),R ⍝ First character to uppercase R[0]←⎕A [⎕a⍳R[0]]
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Author: SimonMarsden