= Running BAA London = == Introduction == RunningBAALondon is the page to use if you want to discuss what the [[BAALondon|BAA London]] group should do and how it should do it. It is a separate page so that people who just want to find out what the group does, with a view to coming to a meeting, do not have to bother themselves with all this. == Changing this page == As a member of the BAA London discussion group you are a co-owner of this page and can change it when you like. Views that you expect to provoke much discussion might go better at our [[http://groups.google.com/group/baa-london|GoogleGroup]], perhaps with a pointer to the thread here. Please leave a comment in the "edit comment field" as you make changes. This page will not change much until we have had these provocative exchange of views, but if you want to say something please feel free to say it here. == A typical Meeting == When we are well organised actual details for the next meeting are in [[BAALondon|BaaLondon]]. === Usual venue === The Knights Templar, 95 Chancery Lane, Off Carey Street, Near Fleet Street,Greater London, WC2A 1DT [[https://www.jdwetherspoon.co.uk/home/pubs/the-knights-templar-near-fleet-street/|full venue details]]- a word of warning as JD Wetherspoon has a dodgy security certificate & Firefox complains, but hey, they are a pub chain, not a software company. There are lots of guest beers available. Next venue (for the BAPLA AGM) is the [[http://www.thealbionlondon.com/|Albion]] a Youngs pub.at 2/3 New Bridge Street, London, EC4V 6AA === Usual Date === We have have recently changed from the last Friday of the month to the last Monday. Let's see how that goes. === Typical Agenda === As far as something that has only happened only a few times can have a norm we usually: Meet downstairs between 2 and 3pm; move upstairs about 3pm; '''either''' gather together for a themed meeting (the Albion has large TV screen we can use for presentations); '''or''' split into smaller groups around computers connected via the WIFI, usually provided by PhilLast. Later on, it becomes more difficult to hold a single meeting (APLers being more difficult to keep in a single group that it is to herd cats); so we split into smaller groups, some going downstairs again. By the start of the meeting we should know who is going to record the meeting, by the end we should know what is going to happen at the next meeting. == What others do == See [[Community/UserGroups|Community/UserGroups]] for a list of user groups held in the WIKI <
> There is another list at http://www.vector.org.uk/?area=comm <
> Because Devon was helpful enough to point me in that direction I have looked at NYCJUG. By the time you see this I will have started a thread in the Google Group about it. === NYCJUG === Ellis - I run a monthly group here in New York City for J called NYCJUG (NYC J-Users Group): see http://www.jsoftware.com/jwiki/NYCJUG to see how we use the J wiki to post notices and meeting notes. Also, it wouldn't hurt to send a message to general@jsoftware.com to ask about posting meeting notices there (as long as you're not worried about possible infection.) Also, you might want to list on Gary's Guide: http://www.garysguide.org/ and any other general, technical lists for your area of which you may be aware. Good luck! DevonMcCormick <> ---- CategoryBaaLondon