Differences between revisions 50 and 58 (spanning 8 versions)
Revision 50 as of 2013-12-30 10:23:27
Size: 2313
Editor: anonymous
Revision 58 as of 2018-03-03 11:39:49
Size: 129
Editor: KaiJaeger
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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= WinFile =
{{{WinFile}}} is part of the CategoryAplTree project.
= OS: Interface to the Operating system =
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== Overview ==
WinFile deals with Files and Directories.

Nowadays if there is a need to deal with directories and files, there is .NET, right? Well, some companies have decided against .NET, so there is still the need for a .NET-free solution to this. This is what the WinFile class is designed for.

But there is more to say to this: try to get a DirectoryInfo for a directory with, say, 100,000 files. Then compare with this class.

See the list of methods (generated with [[ADOC]]):

== Methods ==

<<SeeSaw(section="methods", toshow="<<Show>> the list of methods", tohide="<<Hide>> the list of methods", bg="#FEE1A5", speed="Slow")>>
{{{{#!wiki seesaw/methods/methods-bg/hide


== Fields ==

<<SeeSaw(section="fields", toshow="<<Show>> the list of fields", tohide="<<Hide>> the list of fields", bg="#FEE1A5", speed="Slow")>>
{{{{#!wiki seesaw/fields/fields-bg/hide

Find out more by looking into the documentation [[attachment:WinFileDocumentation.html]]

== Project Page ==

For bug reports, future enhancements and a full version history see WinFile/ProjectPage

== Version Information ==
||Original author: ||KaiJaeger ||
||Responsible: ||KaiJaeger ||
||Email: || kai@aplteam.com ||

`WinFile` needs version 13.0 of Dyalog APL.


The project has been relocated to [[https://github.com/aplteam/OS]] on 2018-03-03.

OS: Interface to the Operating system

The project has been relocated to https://github.com/aplteam/OS on 2018-03-03.

OS (last edited 2018-03-03 11:39:49 by KaiJaeger)