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}}} = Further Topics in APL = This page covers some additional, more advanced topics not explored fully in the [[LearnApl/LearningApl|APL tutorial]]. It is adapted from original material written to accompany MicroAPL's APLX interpreter (not available any more), but the present version has been slightly modified so that examples should work with a number of APLs, including: * [[http://www.dyalog.com/|Dyalog]] APL * [[http://www-01.ibm.com/software/awdtools/apl/|APL2]] from IBM * [[http://www.apl2000.com/|APL+Win]] Where this is not the case this is explicitly stated. == Contents == 1. [[LearnMoreApl/Display|Displaying the shape of an array]] 2. [[LearnMoreApl/ArrayTypeAndPrototype|Array Type and Prototype]] 3. [[LearnMoreApl/VectorNotation|Vector Notation]] 4. [[LearnMoreApl/Indexing|Variables and Indexing]] 5. [[LearnMoreApl/MultipleSpecification|Multiple Specification]] 6. [[LearnMoreApl/SelectiveSpecification|Selective Specification]] 7. [[LearnMoreApl/BindingStrengths|Binding Strengths]] 8. [[LearnMoreApl/PervasiveFunctions|Pervasive Functions]] 9. [[LearnMoreApl/AplClasses|OO, Classes and Inheritance]] {{{#!html
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