## #acl AutoAdminGroup:read,write,admin,delete,revert All:read
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= Displaying the shape of an array (1 of 9) =
Most APLs have a {{{DISPLAY}}} function which may be used to show the rank, shape and depth of an array. For most APLs it's provided as a function {{{DISPLAY}}}. In GNU APL, arrays are displayed using {{{8⎕CR}}} (or other variants of {{{⎕CR}}}).
{{{DISPLAY}}} or {{{⎕DISPLAY}}} takes the data or expression whose value is to be examined as a right argument. For example:
⎕DISPLAY 1 2 3
│1 2 3│
The output from {{{DISPLAY}}} shows the data with boxes around it. The output can have one or many boxes inside the perimeter box. Also you will see that the characters at the left hand end of the top and bottom lines and those at the top of the left side line will change for different data types. It is these boxes and their embedded characters which inform you of the specific structure of the data being examined. Here is a summary of the special characters and their meanings:
|| || Placement on box ||