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= Object-oriented programming in APL = {{{#!html
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= Object-oriented programming in APL (15 of 15) =

Line 4: Line 15:
''(APL+Win also has some support for object-oriented programming through {{{ŒMOM}}} but it is more limited).'' ''(APL+Win also has some support for object-oriented programming through {{{MOM}}} but it is more limited).''
Line 12: Line 23:
 * APLX also allows you to create objects from Java and Ruby classes in addition to .NET  * APLX also allows you to create objects from Java and Ruby classes in addition to .NET (APLX also supports multiple inheritance, but only since APLX Version 5)
Line 37: Line 48:
      )ED ±Circle       )ED Circle
Line 54: Line 65:
      'Circle' ŒIC 'radius'       'Circle' IC 'radius'
Line 62: Line 73:
To create an instance of the {{{Circle}}} class, you typically use the {{{ŒNEW}}} system function:

      FirstCircle ŒNEW Circle
To create an instance of the {{{Circle}}} class, you typically use the {{{NEW}}} system function:

      FirstCircle NEW Circle
Line 82: Line 93:
      FirstCircle.radius 10       FirstCircle.radius 10
Line 89: Line 100:
      ¼FirstCircle.radius       FirstCircle.radius
Line 97: Line 108:
      CircleList ŒNEW ¨5½Circle       CircleList NEW ¨5Circle
Line 104: Line 115:
      CircleList.radius 10 50 20 30 20       CircleList.radius 10 50 20 30 20
Line 115: Line 126:
      CircleList.radius 20       CircleList.radius 20
Line 126: Line 137:
        RArea         RArea
Line 128: Line 139:
           R (±1)×radius*2
           R (1)×radius*2
Line 137: Line 148:
Use the APLX editor to create the following method (You do not enter the {{{}}} characters or line number when using the editor window):

  [1] R (±1)×radius*2
Use the APLX editor to create the following method (You do not enter the {{{}}} characters or line number when using the editor window):

  [1] R (1)×radius*2
Line 155: Line 166:
      CircleList.radius 10 50 20 30 20       CircleList.radius 10 50 20 30 20
Line 164: Line 175:
      FirstSquare ŒNEW 'Square'
      ShapeList FirstCircle,FirstSquare
      FirstSquare NEW 'Square'
      ShapeList FirstCircle,FirstSquare
Line 173: Line 184:
== Constructors ==
Line 176: Line 188:
      AnotherCircle ŒNEW Circle       AnotherCircle NEW Circle
Line 182: Line 194:
Because the radius property of the new object has not been assigned, we get a {{{VALUE ERROR}}}; the new object is incomplete. Is there some way we can ensure that only completely-built objects are created by {{{ŒNEW}}}? Because the radius property of the new object has not been assigned, we get a {{{VALUE ERROR}}}; the new object is incomplete. Is there some way we can ensure that only completely-built objects are created by {{{NEW}}}?
Line 189: Line 201:
      make R       make R
Line 192: Line 204:
        radius R
        radius R
Line 198: Line 210:
      Circle R
  [1] radius R
'''Both: '''The constructor method we added takes a right argument, which is the initial value of the new circle object's radius. To create the circle, the value is passed as an argument to {{{ŒNEW}}}:

      AnotherCircle „ ŒNEW Circle 100
      Circle R
  [1] radius R
'''Both: '''The constructor method we added takes a right argument, which is the initial value of the new circle object's radius. To create the circle, the value is passed as an argument to {{{NEW}}}:

      AnotherCircle ← ⎕NEW Circle 100
Line 217: Line 229:
    RArea     RArea
Line 219: Line 231:
[2] © Circle
[3] R (±1)×radius*2
[2] Circle
[3] R (1)×radius*2
Line 222: Line 234:
[5] © Square
[6] R sidelength*2
[5] Square
[6] R sidelength*2
Line 225: Line 237:
Line 242: Line 254:
[1] R (±1)×radius*2
[1] R (1)×radius*2
Line 249: Line 261:
[1] R sidelength*2
[1] R sidelength*2
Line 257: Line 269:
APLX uses an inheritance model known as '''single inheritance'''. This means that a child class can be derived from only one parent (which may itself derive from another class, and so on).

Dyalog APL allows multiple '''inheritance''', in which a child class can be derived from one, two, or many parents.
Dyalog APL allows '''multiple inheritance''', in which a child class can be derived from one, two, or many parents.

Prior to APLX Version 5, APLX used an inheritance model known as '''single inheritance'''. This means that a child class can be derived from only one parent (which may itself derive from another class, and so on). With the advent of Version 5, APLX allows dynamic multiple inheritance through a mechanism known as Mixins.
Line 262: Line 275:
When you create an object, i.e. an instance of a class (using the system function {{{ŒNEW}}}), the explicit result that is returned is not the object itself, but a '''reference''' to the object. This reference is held internally as just an index into a table of objects which APL maintains. If you assign the reference to another variable, the object itself is not copied; instead, you have two references to the same object. When you create an object, i.e. an instance of a class (using the system function {{{NEW}}}), the explicit result that is returned is not the object itself, but a '''reference''' to the object. This reference is held internally as just an index into a table of objects which APL maintains. If you assign the reference to another variable, the object itself is not copied; instead, you have two references to the same object.
Line 274: Line 287:
      © Create a .NET object of class DateTime
      NETDATE '.net' ŒNEW 'System.DateTime' 2007 6 20 9 32 3
      © We can call .NET methods:
       Create a .NET object of class DateTime
      NETDATE '.net' NEW 'System.DateTime' 2007 6 20 9 32 3
       We can call .NET methods:
Line 279: Line 292:
      NETDATE.AddDays 10 © (Calling the .NET method AddDays creates a new .NET object).       NETDATE.AddDays 10 (Calling the .NET method AddDays creates a new .NET object).
Line 283: Line 296:
      © APL is an array language so we can do things like this...
      3 1½(NETDATE.AddDays ¨10 100 1000).ToString
       APL is an array language so we can do things like this...
      3 1(NETDATE.AddDays ¨10 100 1000).ToString
Line 292: Line 305:
== End of Tutorial ==
That's the end of the APL Tutorial. Congratulations on making it all the way to the end! If you're still hungry for more, you might want to check out [[LearnMoreApl/FurtherTopics|Further Topics in APL]] which covers some more advanced topics.
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End of tutorial>

Object-oriented programming in APL (15 of 15)

Two modern APLs, Dyalog APL and MicroAPL's APLX, add support for object-oriented programming to the core APL language. These facilities are broadly similar to those implemented in other object-oriented programming languages (such as C++, C#, Java, or Ruby), but with the difference that APL's array-programming approach applies to classes and objects in the same way as it applies to ordinary data.

(APL+Win also has some support for object-oriented programming through ⎕MOM but it is more limited).

The two APLs, Dyalog and APLX, are not identical in the way in which they extend the language, although there is a lot of common ground between them. For further information you should read the vendors' documentation, or see the British APL Association's "Vector" web site for intoductory articles on the subject covering Dyalog APL and APLX.

Both versions of APL allow you to write your own APL classes and then use them to create APL objects. In addition, both APLs allow you to create objects from existing .NET classes. One difference in emphasis is:

  • Dyalog APL includes a larger number of language features including multiple inheritance and keyed access properties
  • APLX also allows you to create objects from Java and Ruby classes in addition to .NET (APLX also supports multiple inheritance, but only since APLX Version 5)

There are also differences in the APL syntax used to represent a class, and the way you edit it.

The material on this Wiki page is intended just to give a flavour of what is possible in object-oriented APL without worrying too much about the differences...


The fundamental building block for object-oriented programming is the class. For example, in a commercial invoicing application, a given class might represent the attributes and behaviour of an invoice, and another class might represent a credit note. In an application concerned with geometry, a class might represent a sphere, or a rectangle, or a polygon. A class contains definitions both for program logic (functions and operators, known collectively as the methods of the class), and for data (named variables associated with the class, known as fields and properties). The term members is used to describe both the fields/properties and methods of a class.

In most cases, when you come to use a class, you need to create an instance of that class, also known as an object. Whereas the class represents an abstraction of (say) an Invoice, or a Sphere, or a Rectangle, an object represents a particular invoice, sphere or rectangle. Typically, you may have many instances of a given class, each containing independent copies of data (fields/properties), but all supporting the same program logic (methods).

Dyalog APL makes a distinction between a field and a property. From the object user's point of view, both look like variables belonging to the object. However, a field is a simple variable whereas a property is accessed via getter and setter functions, allowing the author of the class more control.

APLX has only fields, which it calls properties, and you must use explicit method calls if you require more control.

To keep things simple, in this tutorial we will use the term 'property' to mean both 'field' and 'property'.

Getting Started

To make things clearer, let's use an example of a class representing a circle. To keep things simple initially, we will give the Circle class a single property representing the radius of the circle.

There are a number of ways to create the Circle class, but for try the following:

Dyalog APL: If you are using Dyalog APL, start editing a new class by entering:

      )ED ○Circle
  • Then enter the following class definition:

        :Class Circle
        :Field Public radius

APLX: If you are using APLX, bring up the class editor using:

      )EDIT 2 Circle

...and then use the File menu to add a single new property 'radius'. Alternatively, start with a CLEAR WS and enter the following APL line, which creates a class and inserts a property called 'radius' into it:

      'Circle' ⎕IC 'radius'

Both: We have now created a new class, which we can see by using the )CLASSES system command, which is analogous to )FNS and )VARS:


To create an instance of the Circle class, you typically use the ⎕NEW system function:

      FirstCircle ← ⎕NEW Circle

This has created a new instance (object) and assigned a reference to it in the variable FirstCircle:


If you try to inspect the new object, APL will display it in the following format by default. Note that (unless you change the default display), the object is displayed by showing its class name in square brackets (This example is from APLX; Dyalog APL is very similar):


Now let's assign a value to the new Circle object's radius:

      FirstCircle.radius ← 10

Note the dot-notation used to specify the object and property being assigned. Except that it's a member of the object FirstCircle, the radius property behaves like any other APL variable:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

We can also create a vector containing five different circles:

      CircleList ← ⎕NEW ¨5⍴Circle
[Circle] [Circle] [Circle] [Circle] [Circle]

It is possible to set the radii of all of the circles in the same statement:

      CircleList.radius ← 10 50 20 30 20
10 50 20 30 20
0 0 1 0 1

Notice that APL lists the radius values for all five circles in a single vector, which can be used in expressions.

We could also specify all the radii using a single scalar, in which case the scalar is assigned to the radius property in each object using scalar extension:

      CircleList.radius ← 20
20 20 20 20 20

Now let's add a method called Area to our Circle class. Again, there are many ways of editing classes, but for now you can use the following:

Dyalog APL: Bring up the editor as before and change the class definition to:

        :Class Circle
        :Field Public radius
           :Access Public
           R ← (○1)×radius*2

APLX: Either use the class editor, or create and edit the new method directly as follows:

      )EDIT Circle.Area

Use the APLX editor to create the following method (You do not enter the characters or line number when using the editor window):

  [1] R ← (○1)×radius*2

Both: We can now call our new method using the following notation. (Notice that the new method can be applied to existing objects - try doing that in Java!)


Within the method, the object's radius can be referred to directly as just radius, without using dot notation. APL knows that the Area method has been called for the object FirstCircle, and hence uses the radius value contained in the object.

Again, if you have an array of objects you can apply the same method to each one.

      CircleList.radius ← 10 50 20 30 20
314.1592654 7853.981634 1256.637061 2827.433388 1256.637061

Internally, APL will call the Area method on each of the objects in turn, in the order in which they occur in the object list.

It is also possible to have vectors containing references to objects of different classes. Suppose that we have a new class called Square, in addition to our Circle class, and that Square also has a class method called Area:

      FirstSquare ← ⎕NEW 'Square'
      ShapeList ← FirstCircle,FirstSquare
[Circle] [Square]
314.1592654 100

Note that there is not necessarily any relationship between the Area methods in the Circle and Square classes.


What would happen if we create a new Circle object and immediately try to display its radius property?

      AnotherCircle ← ⎕NEW Circle

Because the radius property of the new object has not been assigned, we get a VALUE ERROR; the new object is incomplete. Is there some way we can ensure that only completely-built objects are created by ⎕NEW?

One way in which this can be done is to add a new class method called a Constructor. The APL interpreter will call the constructor method automatically when a new object is created. The Constructor for the Circle class might look something like this:

Dyalog APL: Bring up the class in an editor window again, and add the following:

      ∇make R
        :Implements Constructor
        :Access Public
        radius ← R

APLX: In APLX the constructor has the same name as the class. Bring up the editor with )EDIT Circle.Circle and enter:

      ∇Circle R
  [1] radius ← R

Both: The constructor method we added takes a right argument, which is the initial value of the new circle object's radius. To create the circle, the value is passed as an argument to ⎕NEW:

      AnotherCircle ← ⎕NEW Circle 100

In some object-oriented languages, constructors are the only way of assigning initial values to properties. In APL, it is also possible to specify the default value of any properties in the class definition. Instead of using a constructor, we could have changed our Circle class to specify that the radius property of all new Circle objects should have an initial value of 10.


Suppose that we wanted to re-write our example to handle two types of shape, circles and squares.

One way to do this would be to use a general class called Shape. We could add a property which specified the type of shape (0 for Circle, 1 for Square), and we could add an Area method, something like this:

[1] :If type=0
[2]    ⍝ Circle
[3]    R ← (○1)×radius*2
[4] :Else
[5]    ⍝ Square
[6]    R ← sidelength*2
[7] :EndIf

(For Dyalog APL you would also need to add an ":Access Public" line)

However, in object-oriented APL there is a much more elegant way to do this, by using Inheritance.

When you define a class, you can specify that it inherits from another class. The new class is said to be the child, and the class it inherits from is the parent or base class. Inheritance means that (unless you explicitly change their definition), all of the properties and methods defined in the parent class are also available in the child class. This works for further levels of inheritance as well, so that methods and properties can be inherited from the immediate parent, or from the parent's parent, and so on. The terms derived classes or descendants are sometimes used to denote the children of a class, and the children's children, and so on. Similarly, the term ancestors of a class is used to denote the parents, parent's parents, and so on.

So you might have a class Shape, representing an abstract geometric shape. This might have properties called X and Y giving the centre point of the shape, and methods called Move and Area.

A Circle class might inherit from Shape, introducing further properties such as radius. Equally, a class Polygon might also inherit from Shape, and further classes Triangle and Square inherit from Polygon. All of the classes Circle, Polygon, Triangle and Square are derived from Shape. Because of the way inheritance works, they would all include the properties X and Y, and the methods Move and Area.

When a class inherits from another, you can specify that the definition of a given method of the parent (or the initial value of a property) is different in the child class. In our example, you would need to supply a different definition of the Area method for a Circle and a Square. This is known as overriding the method.

Definition of the Area method in the Circle class:

[1] R ← (○1)×radius*2

Definition of the Area method in the Square class:

[1] R ← sidelength*2

(Again, for Dyalog APL you would also need to add an ":Access Public" line to each method)

For classes defined in APL, all methods can be overridden, and all methods are virtual, that is to say if method A in a base class calls another method B, and the second method B is overridden in a child class, then running method A in the child class will cause the overridden version of B to be called, not the version of B defined in the parent. For example, if you are running a method defined in the base class Shape, and that method calls Area, the version of Area which gets called will be Circle.Area or Square.Area as appropriate.

Dyalog APL allows multiple inheritance, in which a child class can be derived from one, two, or many parents.

Prior to APLX Version 5, APLX used an inheritance model known as single inheritance. This means that a child class can be derived from only one parent (which may itself derive from another class, and so on). With the advent of Version 5, APLX allows dynamic multiple inheritance through a mechanism known as Mixins.

Object References and Class References

When you create an object, i.e. an instance of a class (using the system function ⎕NEW), the explicit result that is returned is not the object itself, but a reference to the object. This reference is held internally as just an index into a table of objects which APL maintains. If you assign the reference to another variable, the object itself is not copied; instead, you have two references to the same object.

Of course, because APL is an array language, you can have arrays of object references, and you can embed object references in nested arrays along with other data. For example, you might have an array containing references to hundreds of Rectangle objects.

You can also have a reference to a class. This makes it possible for general functions to act on classes without knowing in advance which class applies.

External classes

Both Dyalog APL and APLX allow you to create objects from classes written in .NET languages like C#. In addition, APLX allows you to use classes written in Java or Ruby.

This is a large topic which we will not cover here. The following example, taken from APLX, should give just a flavour. The Dyalog version would look very similar.

      ⍝ Create a .NET object of class DateTime
      NETDATE ← '.net' ⎕NEW 'System.DateTime'  2007 6 20 9 32 3
      ⍝ We can call .NET methods:
20/06/2007 09:32:03
      NETDATE.AddDays 10        ⍝ (Calling the .NET method AddDays creates a new .NET object).
      (NETDATE.AddDays 10).ToString
30/06/2007 09:32:03
      ⍝ APL is an array language so we can do things like this...
      3 1⍴(NETDATE.AddDays ¨10 100 1000).ToString
 30/06/2007 09:32:03
 28/09/2007 09:32:03
 16/03/2010 09:32:03

Further Information

Object oriented programming in APL is a big subject and we have only covered a small part of it. For further details consult the documentation provided by your APL vendor.

End of Tutorial

That's the end of the APL Tutorial. Congratulations on making it all the way to the end! If you're still hungry for more, you might want to check out Further Topics in APL which covers some more advanced topics.



End of tutorial>

CategoryAboutApl - CategoryAplx

LearnMoreApl/AplClasses (last edited 2017-02-16 18:58:04 by KaiJaeger)