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Editor: KaiJaeger
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Editor: KaiJaeger
Comment: Compatability issues resolved
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= Formatting = {{{#!html
<div class="borderlesstable">
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= Formatting (14 of 15) =

== Overview ==
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The default way in which APL displays results may not always suit your requirements. Obviously you can do a certain amount by using functions like size to reshape data, or catenate to join data items, but for many applications you may want much more sophisticated facilities. You may, for example, want to insert currency signs and spaces in numeric output, or produce a neatly formatted financial report, or specify precisely the format in which numbers are displayed. The default way in which APL displays results may not always suit your requirements. Obviously you can do a certain amount by using functions like size to reshape data, or catenate to join data items, but for many applications you may want much more sophisticated facilities.

You may, for example, want to insert currency signs and spaces in numeric output, or produce a neatly formatted financial report, or specify precisely the format in which numbers are displayed.
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Here we give details of three common functions: {{{⍕}}} ('''Format''' or '''Thorn'''), {{{⍺}}} ('''Alpha''') and the APLX system function {{{⎕FMT}}}. They can be used purely to convert numeric data to characters. The converted data looks the same, but has the properties associated with character data. Here we give details of two common functions: {{{⍕}}} ('''Format''' or '''Thorn''') and the system function {{{⎕FMT}}} available in every APL but APL2. They can be used purely to convert numeric data to characters. The converted data looks the same, but has the properties associated with character data.
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Additionally, each function lets you specify how many character positions a number should occupy when it's displayed, and how many of these positions are available for decimal places. The number of characters and number of decimal places are specified in the left argument: Additionally, both functions let you specify how many character positions a number should occupy when it's displayed, and how many of these positions are available for decimal places. The number of characters and number of decimal places are specified in the left argument.

== The "Format" primitive ==
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      6 2 ⍕ 1341.82921       ⍕ 0.0000003 3.0123456789
3E¯7 3.012345679
(Note that the result depends on the system variable `⎕PP` = Print Precision)

      6 2 ⍕ 341.82921
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{{{⍕}}} and {{{⍺}}} have the optional extra facility of allowing you to use editing characters to define a 'picture' of how data is to look when displayed, known as format-by-example. The picture is the left argument and the data the right. == The system function ⎕FMT ==
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Here is an example of {{{⍕}}} used to format by example: Note that `⎕FMT` is not available in APL2.
Line 33: Line 49:
      L ← ' 55 @ $55.50 EA'
      R ← 3 2⍴3 4.99 7 7.45 12 .5
  3 @ $ 4.99 EA
  7 @ $ 7.45 EA
 12 @ $ .50 EA
The following example shows the values in a 4-row 2-column matrix called {{{TAB}}}. It then shows the {{{⍺}}} function applied to this matrix and its effect on {{{TAB}}}:

1096.2 ¯416.556
 296.974 1085.238
¯811.188 844.074
¯745.416 153.468
      '$$Z,ZZ9.99 DR ' ⍺ TAB
 $1,096.20 $416.56 DR
   $296.97 $1,085.24
   $811.19 DR $844.07
   $745.42 DR $153.47
Line 62: Line 55:
Line 64: Line 58:

`⎕FMT` is a very powerful function which allows you to format numbers in all sorts of ways. Not surprisingly it is one of the most complex functions available in modern APLs.

Formatting (14 of 15)


The default way in which APL displays results may not always suit your requirements. Obviously you can do a certain amount by using functions like size to reshape data, or catenate to join data items, but for many applications you may want much more sophisticated facilities.

You may, for example, want to insert currency signs and spaces in numeric output, or produce a neatly formatted financial report, or specify precisely the format in which numbers are displayed.

APL includes flexible ways of formatting data. Formatting functions both:

  • convert the format of data from numbers to characters
  • allow you to specify how (converted) numeric data will be laid out.

The formatting functions available will depend on which APL interpreter you are using, so the following is only a guide. You will need to check your APL's documentation for available formatting functions.

Here we give details of two common functions: (Format or Thorn) and the system function ⎕FMT available in every APL but APL2. They can be used purely to convert numeric data to characters. The converted data looks the same, but has the properties associated with character data.

Additionally, both functions let you specify how many character positions a number should occupy when it's displayed, and how many of these positions are available for decimal places. The number of characters and number of decimal places are specified in the left argument.

The "Format" primitive

      ⍕ 0.0000003  3.0123456789
3E¯7 3.012345679

(Note that the result depends on the system variable ⎕PP = Print Precision)

      6 2 ⍕ 341.82921

(Note that since the number had to be truncated to fit the character positions allowed, it was first rounded to make the truncated representation as accurate as possible.)

The system function ⎕FMT

Note that ⎕FMT is not available in APL2.

⎕FMT takes the process a stage further, allowing a variety of picture phrases, qualifiers and decorators to be supplied as the format specification.

      'B K2 G< ZZ9 DOLLARS AND 99 CENTS>' ⎕FMT 8.23 12.86 0 2.52


⎕FMT is a very powerful function which allows you to format numbers in all sorts of ways. Not surprisingly it is one of the most complex functions available in modern APLs.

CategoryAboutApl - CategoryAplx

LearnApl/FormattingOutput (last edited 2017-02-16 19:43:29 by KaiJaeger)