We can write a simple function to create HTML and pass that to a browser.

     (tg style)←{⎕ML←1
         ' '∊⍵:⍵{(⍵↑⍺)(⍵↓⍺)}¯1+⍵⍳' '

     ∇ CreateHtml;htmlCode;body;head
[1]    body←'body'tag('h1'tag'"Hello World with APL in HTML'),('h2'tag'hello...'),tag'...world'
[2]    head←'head'tag('title'tag'Hello world with APL'),(''tag'')
[3]    htmlCode←'html'tag head,body
[4]    htmlCode{(⎕NUNTIE ⍵){}⍺ ⎕NAPPEND ⍵}'helloworld.html'⎕NCREATE 0

Below is the output HTML from the above function.

<title>Hello world with APL</title>
<h1>"Hello World with APL in HTML</h1>

And here is what a browser makes of it.


Page created by Phil Last at 2008-02-26

CategoryHelloWorld CategoryDyalog