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Revision 1 as of 2008-02-26 13:40:12
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Editor: anonymous
Revision 7 as of 2008-02-28 12:13:26
Size: 1604
Editor: anonymous
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Using the APL's built in GUI interface we can build a Hello world form.
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 HelloWorld;ref;btn;myFnt HelloWorld;ref;btn;myFnt
Line 5: Line 6:
 ref←⎕NEW'Form'(⊂'Caption' 'Hello World with APL')
 myFnt←⎕NEW'Font'(('Pname' 'Arial Black')('Size' 48))
 btn←ref.⎕NEW'Button'(('Caption' 'Hello World')('Posn'(0 0))('Size'ref.Size))

 ref←⎕NEW⊂'Form' ⍝ Create a form with default parameters
 ref.Caption←'Hello World with APL' ⍝ Set the caption
 ref.Coord←'Pixel' ⍝ Deal with pixels

 myFnt←⎕NEW⊂'Font' ⍝ Create a font
 myFnt.Pname←'Arial Black' ⍝ Which one
 myFnt.Size←48 ⍝ Setting the font size

 btn←ref.⎕NEW⊂'Button' ⍝ Create a button
 btn.Caption←'Hello World' ⍝ Set the caption of the button
 btn.Posn←0 0 ⍝ Set the position of the button
 btn.Size←ref.Size ⍝ Make the button the same size as the form
 btn.FontObj←myFnt ⍝ Associated the font with the button
 btn.onSelect←1 ⍝ Interrupt when button is pressed

 ⎕DQ'.' ⍝ Give control to the user
Line 14: Line 25:
This is inline {{{⎕LX←'HelloWorld'}}} APL Setting the system variable (⎕LX) to 'HelloWorld' and saving the workspace ensures that this code is executed automatically when our program is loaded.
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This programm will result in this form: This program will result in this form:
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To make our program runnable we can select the File|Export menu command to make a bound executable whose name we can type into the Run... dialog.
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CategoryHelloWorld Page created by Phil Last in 2008-02-26

CategoryHelloWorld CategoryDyalog

Using the APL's built in GUI interface we can build a Hello world form.

⍝ Build up a GUI and display "Hello world" in a button on a Form

 ref←⎕NEW⊂'Form'                      ⍝ Create a form with default parameters
 ref.Caption←'Hello World with APL'   ⍝ Set the caption
 ref.Coord←'Pixel'                    ⍝ Deal with pixels

 myFnt←⎕NEW⊂'Font'                    ⍝ Create a font
 myFnt.Pname←'Arial Black'            ⍝ Which one
 myFnt.Size←48                        ⍝ Setting the font size

 btn←ref.⎕NEW⊂'Button'                ⍝ Create a button
 btn.Caption←'Hello World'            ⍝ Set the caption of the button
 btn.Posn←0 0                         ⍝ Set the position of the button
 btn.Size←ref.Size                    ⍝ Make the button the same size as the form
 btn.FontObj←myFnt                    ⍝ Associated the font with the button
 btn.onSelect←1                       ⍝ Interrupt when button is pressed

 ⎕DQ'.'                               ⍝ Give control to the user

Setting the system variable (⎕LX) to 'HelloWorld' and saving the workspace ensures that this code is executed automatically when our program is loaded.

This program will result in this form:


To make our program runnable we can select the File|Export menu command to make a bound executable whose name we can type into the Run... dialog.


Page created by Phil Last in 2008-02-26

CategoryHelloWorld CategoryDyalog

HelloWorldGui (last edited 2014-02-17 10:22:17 by KaiJaeger)