This Wiki ( ["what is a Wiki"] ) is supposed to be a platform for developers as well as parties interested in Dyalog, a fully object oriented programming language, one of the few official .NET programming languages. It is also a fully-armed functional programming language. It is a product of Dyalog Ltd

Note that there is a free educational license as well as a cheap non-commercial license available.

Dyalog is using a special character set instead of keywords. If you are visiting this Wiki the very first time you should look at SpecialCharacters, especially when you are an old-hand on Dyalog.

Dyalog is especially useful for

Do you think that Ruby`s "Hello World" is the shortest hello-world-program? It is quite short, but the APL solution is even shorter:

⎕←'Hello world'

If you are going to become an author, please look for AuthorConventions first. For test purposes, use the [ Sandbox Wiki ]! Note that you cannot edit or delete a page until you have logged into the Wiki.

This Wiki covers the following main sections:

This Wiki is sponsered and hosted by APL Team Ltd and

Like any other Wiki this one is under almost complete control by the community interested in the Wiki. However, there is someone keeping an eye on it: MailTo(kai AT aplteam DOT com)