Welcome to the APL Wiki. See [:FrontPage/AboutTheWiki:About] for an overview and how to edit pages and what you should keep in mind when you are going to become an author. To gain experience and play around, visit the [http://aplteam2.com/testwiki TestWiki]

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Note that from 04-03-2007 this server might 
be booted several times for maintenance. 

Do not do any editing until this message
has disappeared

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This Wiki ( ["what is a Wiki"] ) is supposed to be a platform for APL developers. It is ought to be useful for beginners as well as for old-hands.

What about [:SpecialCharacters:displaying APL characters and editing APL code] in the wiki?

Almost all pages of this Wiki are controlled and managed by the APL community. However, some pages like the first one cannot be changed. If you want a change on a locked page send an email to KaiJaeger.

Note that purple links are pointing to pages which do not exist. With other words, they are desperately looking for you to become an author!