Try APL online: [[http://tryapl.org]]
[[HelloWorld|"Hello World" with APL]]
[[AplIn20Minutes|APL in 20 Minutes]]
[[AplVideos | APL Videos]]
[[Open Source APL: NARS2000]]
[[LearnApl/LearningApl | Tutorial: "Learning APL" ]]
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== APL in action ==
* [[CategoryEssays|Essays]] - More text than code, these articles help you learn to think in APL
* [[CategoryPuzzles|Puzzles]] - Problems to exhibit & strengthen your APL muscles
* [[Articles]] - A collection of published articles on APL
* [[BooksAndPublications|Books and publications]]
* [[Studio]] - Basic examples of APL code
* [[Examples]] and miscellaneous script files
* [[CategoryShowCases|Show Cases]]
== Guides — Beginners guides, FAQs etc. ==
* [[PrimersAndTutorials| Primers and tutorials]]
* [[FAQs]] - Frequently asked questions
* [[CategoryTechnologies|Technologies]] - Web, database, interfaces
* [[General]]
== APL community ==
* [[Community/Forums|Forums]]
* [[Community/MailingLists|Mailing lists]]
* [[Community/UserGroups|User groups]]
* [[Community/WebResources| Other web resources]] - Web sites and user pages
== Misc ==
* [[Misc/Vendors|Vendors]]
* [[Misc/SupportedPlatforms|Supported Platforms]]
* [[Misc/Training|Training]] - Sources offering workshops and/or courses
* [[DevelopmentTools | Development Tools]] to make your work easier
* [[Misc/Articles|Articles]] - Where the focus is not on APL, but APL is used somehow
== APL open source code library ==
* [[CategoryAplTree | APLTree: an APL Open Source Library]] - Software for many tasks and problems a programmer runs typically into.
* [[CategoryDyalogUserCommands | UserCommands]] - Third-party user commands for Dyalog.