Ellis Morgan

Email: <wiki AT SPAMFREE ellismorgan DOT co DOT uk>

I started using APL in the early 1970s and now I am retired I still use it for fun. I have written a couple of articles for vector, you will find the first at http://www.vector.org.uk/archive/v103/morgan103_81.htm.

The second described a quick and dirty Sudoku program. It was intended to stop me wasting too much time solving problems because I would know my computer could do it better then me. Then it occurred to me that I could write a better program if I learnt more about how to solve them. Now I have a large and dirty Sudoku program and still waste time working them out myself.


I looked at the page Utf8orNot and saw ... We can demonstrate the possibility by imagining an Anglo-Saxon APLer writing the following:

where the text in quotes disappears off to the right of the window.

more testing (or learning)

I took a screen shot of what I can see in the Utf8orNot page and decided to to show it here. That took me to HelpOnImages where the thumbnail example seemd what I wanted.

That was not a good idea, what happens when you click on a thumbnail like this is confusing enough with a proper picture but when your image is a bit of the wiki it is even stranger.

end of testing
