= DyalogMigrationLevels = The system variable `⎕ML` determines the degree of compatability of Dyalog APL towards IBM's APL2. In general, the value 0 represents "native Dyalog". The higher the value, the closer to APL2/ For the time being (2009), 3 is the highest level of compatability one can achieve. Note that with a default installation `⎕ML` is set to `1`. ||'''ML setting'''||'''APL'''||'''Remarks'''|| ||`⎕ML←0` || || Native Dyalog (Default) || ||`⎕ML←1` || `∊R` || Monadic `∊` is interpreted as 'enlist' rather than 'type' || ||`⎕ML←2` || `↑R` || Monadic `↑` is interpreted as 'first' rather than 'mix' || || || `⊃R` || Monadic `⊃` is interpreted as 'mix' rather than 'first' || || || `≡­R` || For an array with unequal levels of nesting in its subarrays,<
>depth returns the maximum level of nesting. With `⎕ml≤2` <
>depth returns a negative value if the subarrays have unequal depth|| ||`⎕ML←3` || `X⊂[K]Y` || Dyadic `⊂` follows the APL2 rather than the original Dyalog convention || || || `⎕TC` || The order of the elements of `⎕TC` is the same as in APL2 || CategoryDyalog