CSV stands for comma separated values. Those files are still used to transport tabular data between applications that are not directly connected. The files can be edited with any spreadsheet application like Microsoft Excel.

There are some things one need to know about CSV file in order to deal with them:

For details and background information see http://www.csvreader.com/csv_format.php

Given an Excel spreadsheet that looks like this:


Saving this into a csv file, the file can be read into APL. The variable would look like this:


With the following two functions this variable can be transformed into an APL matrix.

APL2 Version

 r←Csv2MatrixWithAPL2 csv;crlf;buffer;bool;⎕IO;isNotEmpty
⍝ Convert a simple string "csv" that is assumed to come from a *.csv 
⍝ file into an APL matrix. Takes care of escaped stuff.
 crlf←⎕AV[4 3]  ⍝ That's what CR LF is in Dyalog APL - tell me what it is in APL2?!
 r←1↓¨buffer⊂⍨~crlf⍷buffer       ⍝ partion records
 r←(⌽∨\0≠⌽↑¨⍴¨r)/r               ⍝ remove empty stuff from the end
 bool←~bool∨¨≠\¨bool←'"'=¨r      ⍝ ignore what's escaped (between " and ")
 r←⊃(','≠¨bool\¨bool/¨r)⊂¨r      ⍝ partition fields by commas
 r←('"'=¨↑¨r)↓¨r                 ⍝ remove leading "
 r←(-'"'=¨↑¨¯1↑¨r)↓¨r            ⍝ remove trailing "
 isNotEmpty←0<↑¨⍴¨r              ⍝ remember empty fields
 bool←,isNotEmpty∧∧/¨r∊¨⊂⎕D,'.'  ⍝ fields which contains digits only, and maybe a .
 (bool/,r)←⍎¨bool/,r             ⍝ Make those numeric

Dyalog Version

 r←Csv2MatrixWithDyalog csv;crlf;bool;⎕IO
⍝ Convert a simple string "csv" that is assumed to come from a *.csv
⍝ file into an APL matrix. Takes care of escaped stuff.
 ⎕IO←1 ⋄ ⎕ML←3
 crlf←⎕AV[4 3]                  ⍝ that's what CR LF is in Dyalog APL
 r←{1↓¨⍵⊂⍨~crlf⍷⍵}crlf,csv      ⍝ partion records
 r/⍨←⌽∨\0≠⌽↑∘⍴¨r                ⍝ remove empty stuff from the end
 bool←{~{⍵∨≠\⍵}'"'=⍵}¨r         ⍝ prepare booleans useful to mask escaped stuff
 r←⊃r{⍺⊂⍨⍵≠','}¨bool{⍺\⍺/⍵}¨r   ⍝ partition fields by unmasked commas
 r←{'"'≠1⍴⍵:⍵ ⋄ ¯1↓1↓⍵}¨r       ⍝ remove leading and trailing "
 r←{↑1⊃v←⎕VFI ⍵:↑2⊃v ⋄ ⍵}¨r     ⍝ make fields whith appropriate content numeric scalars

The resulting vaiable in APL would look like this:


Author: KaiJaeger