Size: 9194
Size: 8372
Deletions are marked like this. | Additions are marked like this. |
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[[TableOfContents]] | <<TableOfContents>> |
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* Fields are separated by commas | * Fields are separated by commas. Well, mostly. |
Line 12: | Line 12: |
* If a field contains either a comma or one of the end line chars, either the char(s) or the whole contents needs to be escaped. Excel escapes these values by embedding the field inside a set of double quotes. For example, a single cell with the text apples, carrots, and oranges becomes "apples, carrots, and oranges" | * If a field contains either a comma or a double quote or one of the end line chars, either the char(s) or the whole contents needs to be escaped. Excel escapes these values by embedding the field inside a set of double quotes. For example, a single cell with the text `apples, carrots, and oranges` becomes `"apples, carrots, and oranges"`. |
Line 14: | Line 14: |
For details and background information see | * Strictly speaking, the delimiter is not defined in the specs. Some banks offer downloads where a semicolon is used instead of a comma. You might wonder why the name of this format is '''Comma''' Seperated Values, so, but anyway. Several versions of Excel do not recognize a semicolon as a separator. For details and background information see: . |
Line 18: | Line 22: |
== Reading a CSV file == | == Reading and writing CSV files using APLX == Reading and writing CSV files in APLX is straightforward; You can just use the {{{⎕IMPORT}}} and {{{⎕EXPORT}}} system commands, specifying CSV as the format to use: |
Line 20: | Line 25: |
{{{ ⍝ Reading a CSV file... myVariable←⎕IMPORT 'C:\Users\simon\Desktop\spreadsheet_data.csv' 'csv' ⍝ Writing a CSV file some_data←2 3⍴'APL' 'is' 'fine, very fine' 1 2.2 ¯3 some_data ⎕EXPORT 'C:\Users\simon\Desktop\new_data.csv' 'csv' }}} For another example of reading a CSV file of Google finance data and charting it, see [[CSVandChartingAplx|here]] == Reading a CSV file using Dyalog APL == |
Line 22: | Line 38: |
attachment:cvsexcel3.jpg | {{attachment:cvsexcel3.jpg}} |
Line 26: | Line 42: |
attachment:csvapl.jpg | {{attachment:csvapl.jpg}} |
Line 34: | Line 50: |
=== First Step: Partition The String Being Read From File === |
=== First step: partition the string being read from file === |
Line 38: | Line 53: |
==== APL2 Version ==== {{{ r←{ignoreBetween}PartitionRecordsWithAPL2 string;masked;cr;lf;bool ⍝ Takes a string and partitions records. ⍝ Can deal with Mac/Unix/Windows files. ⍝ For that, CR+LF as well as single LFs are converted into CR. ⍝ CR is then used to partition "string". ⍝ Note that everything between "ignoreBetween" is ignored. ⍝ This can be used to masked stuff between "" (CSV files), for example. ⎕IO←1 (cr lf)←⎕TC[2 3] ⍝ <CarriageReturn> and <LineFeed> →L01×⍳2=⎕NC'ignoreBetween' ignoreBetween←'' ⍝ establish default L01: →L02×⍳masked←0∊⍴ignoreBetween masked←~masked∨≠\masked←'"'=string ⍝ what is not escaped (between "") L02: →L03×⍳~0∊bool←~(cr,lf)⍷masked/string ⍝ are there any unmasked cr/lf in "string"? bool←(~masked)∨masked\bool ⍝ "insert" the masked string[1+(~bool)/⍳⍴bool]←cr ⍝ convert lf into cr string←bool/string ⍝ remove original cr masked←bool/masked →L04 L03:→L03×⍳1∊bool←lf=masked/string ⍝ Are there any unmasked lf in "string"? (((~masked)∨masked\bool)/string)←cr ⍝ change them to cr L04:r←(cr≠masked/string)⊂masked/string ⍝ use unmasked cr for partitioning }}} ==== Dyalog Version ==== |
Line 89: | Line 75: |
(((~masked)∨masked\bool)/string)←cr ⍝ change them to cr | ((masked\bool)/string)←cr ⍝ change them to cr |
Line 91: | Line 77: |
r←(cr≠masked/string)⊂masked/string | r←¯1↓(+\1,1↓masked\cr=masked/string)⊂string r←(0,1↓1⍴⍨⍴r)↓¨r |
Line 93: | Line 80: |
=== Second Step: Extract The Real Data === ==== APL2 Version ==== |
=== Second step: extract the real data === |
Line 98: | Line 82: |
r←Csv2MatrixWithAPL2 csv;buffer;⎕IO;isNotEmpty;mask;bool | r←{sep}Csv2MatrixWithDyalog csv;bool;⎕IO;buffer;isNum |
Line 102: | Line 86: |
⎕IO←1 r←(⌽∨\0≠⌽↑¨⍴¨r)/r ⍝ remove empty stuff from the end if any mask←~mask∨¨≠\¨mask←'"'=¨r ⍝ what is not escaped (between "") r←⊃(','≠¨mask\¨mask/¨r)⊂¨r ⍝ partition fields by commas r←('"'=¨↑¨r)↓¨r ⍝ remove leading " r←(-'"'=¨↑¨¯1↑¨r)↓¨r ⍝ remove trailing " isNotEmpty←0<↑¨⍴¨r ⍝ remember empty fields bool←,isNotEmpty∧∧/¨r∊¨⊂'0123456789.' ⍝ fields which contains only ... (bool/,r)←⍎¨bool/,r ⍝ Make those numeric |
⍝ "sep" defaults to a comma but that can be changed by specifying a left argument. ⎕IO←1 ⋄ ⎕ML←3 sep←{2=⎕NC ⍵:⍎⍵ ⋄ ','}'sep' r←(⌽∨\0≠⌽↑∘⍴¨csv)/csv ⍝ remove empty stuff from the end if any bool←{~{⍵∨≠\⍵}'"'=⍵}¨r ⍝ prepare booleans useful to mask escaped stuff r←⊃r{⍺⊂⍨⍵≠sep}¨bool{⍺\⍺/⍵}¨r ⍝ partition fields by unmasked commas r←{'"'≠1⍴⍵:⍵ ⋄ ¯1↓1↓⍵}¨r ⍝ remove leading and trailing " buffer←{0=+/bool←'-'=w←⍵:⍵ ⋄ (bool/w)←'¯' ⋄ w}¨r ⍝ "buffer" is a copy of r with "¯" for "-" buffer←{0=+/bool←','=w←⍵:⍵ ⋄ (bool/w)←'.' ⋄ w}¨buffer ⍝ "," gets "." r←buffer{↑1⊃v←⎕VFI ⍺:↑2⊃v ⋄ ⍵}¨r ⍝ make fields whith appropriate content numeric scalars |
Line 112: | Line 97: |
==== Dyalog Version ==== |
=== The Final Step === Put it all together: |
Line 116: | Line 101: |
csv←Csv2MatrixWithDyalog csv;bool;⎕IO ⍝ Convert vector-of-text-vectors "csv" that is assumed to ⍝ come from a *.csv file and which got already partinioned ⍝ into an APL matrix. Takes care of escaped stuff. ⎕IO←⎕ML←1 csv/⍨←⌽∨\0≠⌽⊃∘⍴¨csv ⍝ remove empty stuff from the end if any bool←{~{⍵∨≠\⍵}'"'=⍵}¨csv ⍝ prepare booleans useful to mask escaped stuff csv←↑csv{1↓¨(',',⍺)⊂⍨','=⍵}¨',',¨bool{⍺\⍺/⍵}¨csv ⍝ partition fields by unmasked commas csv←{'"'≠1⍴⍵:⍵ ⋄ ¯1↓1↓⍵}¨csv ⍝ remove leading and trailing " csv←{⊃1⊃v←⎕VFI ⍵:⊃2⊃v ⋄ ⍵}¨csv ⍝ make fields whith appropriate content numeric scalars }}} === The Final Step === Put it all together (here for the Dyalog version): {{{ |
Line 133: | Line 102: |
⍝ Read "filename" which is assumed to be a *.csv file | ⍝ Read "filename" which is assumed to be a *.csv file |
Line 139: | Line 108: |
Line 142: | Line 110: |
attachment:csvinapl.jpg | {{attachment:csvinapl.jpg}} |
Line 146: | Line 114: |
== Writing a CSV file == |
== Writing a CSV file using Dyalog APL == |
Line 152: | Line 119: |
APL is fine, very fine 1 2.2 ¯3 |
APL is fine, very fine 1 2.2 ¯3 |
Line 155: | Line 122: |
The following functions take such an array as right argument and convert it into a string that can be written to a file with the extension ".csv". The left argument defaults to "windows" and can be "unix" or "mac" as well. Note that the left argument is case sensitive. The left argument is used to determine the appropriate record separator. === APL2 Version === (Volunteers needed) === Dyalog Version === |
The following function takes such an array as right argument and converts it into a string that can be written to a file with the extension ".csv". The left argument defaults to "windows" and can be "unix" or "mac" as well. Note that the left argument is case sensitive. The left argument is used to determine the appropriate record separator. |
Line 165: | Line 125: |
r←{os}Array2CsvWithDyalog array;cr;lf;sep;bool;IsChar | r←{os}Array2CsvWithDyalog array;cr;lf;sep;bool;IsChar;dq |
Line 178: | Line 138: |
bool←,(lf∊¨array)∨','∊¨array ⍝ where are special chars used? | dq←,'"'∊¨array ⍝ Where are double quotes in the text? (dq/,array)←{b←'"'=w←⍵ ⋄ (b/w)←⊂'""' ⋄ ⊃,/w}¨dq/,array ⍝ Double the double quotes bool←dq∨,(lf∊¨array)∨','∊¨array ⍝ where are special chars used? |
Line 180: | Line 142: |
bool←'"'∊¨array ⍝ where are special chars used? | |
Line 182: | Line 145: |
((r='¯')/r)←'-' ⍝ Handle ¯ | ((r='¯')/r)←'-' |
Line 184: | Line 147: |
Line 187: | Line 149: |
#.Array2Csv 2 3⍴'APL' 'is' 'fine, very fine' 1 2.2 ¯3 APL,is,"fine, very fine" 1,2.2,-3 |
#.Array2CsvWithDyalog 2 3⍴'APL' 'really "really" is' 'fine, very fine' 1 2.2 ¯3 APL,"really ""really"" is","fine, very fine" 1,2.2,-3 |
Line 193: | Line 153: |
CSV stands for comma separated values. Those files are still used to transport tabular data between applications that are not directly connected. The files can be edited with any spreadsheet application like Microsoft Excel.
There are some things one need to know about CSV file in order to deal with them:
- Fields are separated by commas. Well, mostly.
- Records are separated with system end of line characters, CRLF (ASCII 13 Dec or 0D Hex and ASCII 10 Dec or 0A Hex respectively) for Windows, LF for Unix, and CR for Mac
If a field contains either a comma or a double quote or one of the end line chars, either the char(s) or the whole contents needs to be escaped. Excel escapes these values by embedding the field inside a set of double quotes. For example, a single cell with the text apples, carrots, and oranges becomes "apples, carrots, and oranges".
Strictly speaking, the delimiter is not defined in the specs. Some banks offer downloads where a semicolon is used instead of a comma. You might wonder why the name of this format is Comma Seperated Values, so, but anyway. Several versions of Excel do not recognize a semicolon as a separator.
For details and background information see:
Note that the format comes with a nasty built-in-problem: there is no way to recognize a cell as being numeric. Converting cells which only contain a proper number does not help because if you enter a digit with a leading quote, Excel handles this as text but again this cannot be recognized as text in the csv file. The only solution is therefore to make an informed guess.
Reading and writing CSV files using APLX
Reading and writing CSV files in APLX is straightforward; You can just use the ⎕IMPORT and ⎕EXPORT system commands, specifying CSV as the format to use:
⍝ Reading a CSV file... myVariable←⎕IMPORT 'C:\Users\simon\Desktop\spreadsheet_data.csv' 'csv' ⍝ Writing a CSV file some_data←2 3⍴'APL' 'is' 'fine, very fine' 1 2.2 ¯3 some_data ⎕EXPORT 'C:\Users\simon\Desktop\new_data.csv' 'csv'
For another example of reading a CSV file of Google finance data and charting it, see here
Reading a CSV file using Dyalog APL
Given an Excel spreadsheet that looks like this:
Saving this into a csv file, the file can be read into APL. The variable would look like this:
To convert this into an APL matrix is a two-step-process:
- partition the simple string from file
- extract the data and build up the APL matrix
First step: partition the string being read from file
With the following two functions this variable can be transformed into an APL array where every item represents a record. Data masked by " remain unchanged. The functions can deal with files from Unix, Mac and Windows.
r←{ignoreBetween}PartitionRecordsWithDyalog string;masked;cr;lf;bool ⍝ Takes a string and partitions records. ⍝ Can deal with Mac/Unix/Windows files. ⍝ For that, CR+LF as well as single LFs are converted into CR. ⍝ CR is then used to partition "string". ⍝ Note that everything between "ignoreBetween" is ignored. ⍝ This can be used to masked stuff between "" (CSV files), for example. ⎕IO←1 ⋄ ⎕ML←3 (cr lf)←⎕TC[2 3] ⍝ <CarriageReturn> and <LineFeed> :If 0=⎕NC'ignoreBetween' ignoreBetween←'' ⍝ establish default :EndIf :If ~masked←0∊⍴ignoreBetween masked←~{⍵∨≠\⍵}'"'=string ⍝ what is not escaped (between "") :EndIf :If 0∊bool←~(cr,lf)⍷masked/string ⍝ are there any unmasked cr/lf in "string"? bool←(~masked)∨masked\bool ⍝ "insert" the masked string[1+{⍵/⍳⍴⍵}~bool]←cr ⍝ convert lf into cr string←bool/string ⍝ remove original cr masked←bool/masked :ElseIf 1∊bool←lf=masked/string ⍝ Are there any unmasked lf in "string"? ((masked\bool)/string)←cr ⍝ change them to cr :EndIf r←¯1↓(+\1,1↓masked\cr=masked/string)⊂string r←(0,1↓1⍴⍨⍴r)↓¨r
Second step: extract the real data
r←{sep}Csv2MatrixWithDyalog csv;bool;⎕IO;buffer;isNum ⍝ Convert vector-of-text-vectors "csv" that is assumed to ⍝ come from a *.csv file and which got already partinioned ⍝ into an APL matrix. Takes care of escaped stuff. ⍝ "sep" defaults to a comma but that can be changed by specifying a left argument. ⎕IO←1 ⋄ ⎕ML←3 sep←{2=⎕NC ⍵:⍎⍵ ⋄ ','}'sep' r←(⌽∨\0≠⌽↑∘⍴¨csv)/csv ⍝ remove empty stuff from the end if any bool←{~{⍵∨≠\⍵}'"'=⍵}¨r ⍝ prepare booleans useful to mask escaped stuff r←⊃r{⍺⊂⍨⍵≠sep}¨bool{⍺\⍺/⍵}¨r ⍝ partition fields by unmasked commas r←{'"'≠1⍴⍵:⍵ ⋄ ¯1↓1↓⍵}¨r ⍝ remove leading and trailing " buffer←{0=+/bool←'-'=w←⍵:⍵ ⋄ (bool/w)←'¯' ⋄ w}¨r ⍝ "buffer" is a copy of r with "¯" for "-" buffer←{0=+/bool←','=w←⍵:⍵ ⋄ (bool/w)←'.' ⋄ w}¨buffer ⍝ "," gets "." r←buffer{↑1⊃v←⎕VFI ⍺:↑2⊃v ⋄ ⍵}¨r ⍝ make fields whith appropriate content numeric scalars
The Final Step
Put it all together:
r←DealWithCsv filename;data ⍝ Read "filename" which is assumed to be a *.csv file ⍝ and converts it into a matrix data←FileRead filename data←'"'PartitionRecordsWithDyalog data r←Csv2MatrixWithDyalog data
The resulting variable in APL would look like this:
Note that the 1 in the second row/second column got converted into the number because the contents of the cell remained of digits only. However, in the original Excel spreadsheet that cell is text; this is indicated by the small green triangle. This information is not contained in the CSV file.
Writing a CSV file using Dyalog APL
Given an APL array like:
⎕←2 3⍴'APL' 'is' 'fine, very fine' 1 2.2 ¯3 APL is fine, very fine 1 2.2 ¯3
The following function takes such an array as right argument and converts it into a string that can be written to a file with the extension ".csv". The left argument defaults to "windows" and can be "unix" or "mac" as well. Note that the left argument is case sensitive. The left argument is used to determine the appropriate record separator.
r←{os}Array2CsvWithDyalog array;cr;lf;sep;bool;IsChar;dq ⎕IO←1 ⋄ ⎕ML←3 :If 0=⎕NC'os' os←'windows' :EndIf 'Invalid left argument; must be one of: windows, unix, mac'⎕SIGNAL 11/⍨~(⊂os)∊'windows' 'unix' 'mac' 'Right argument must have a depth of 2'⎕SIGNAL 11/⍨2≠≡array 'Right argument must be either a matrix or a vector'⎕SIGNAL 11/⍨~(⍴⍴array)∊1 2 (cr lf)←⎕TC[2 3] ⍝ <CarriageReturn> and <LineFeed> sep←('windows' 'unix' 'mac'⍳⊂os)⊃(cr,lf)lf cr ⍝ select proper record separator IsChar←{0 2∊⍨10|⎕DR ⍵} ⍝ Version 12 compatible bool←,~IsChar¨array ⍝ locate number (bool/,array)←⍕¨bool/,array ⍝ make numbers text dq←,'"'∊¨array ⍝ Where are double quotes in the text? (dq/,array)←{b←'"'=w←⍵ ⋄ (b/w)←⊂'""' ⋄ ⊃,/w}¨dq/,array ⍝ Double the double quotes bool←dq∨,(lf∊¨array)∨','∊¨array ⍝ where are special chars used? (bool/,array)←{'"',⍵,'"'}¨bool/,array ⍝ escape field with special chars bool←'"'∊¨array ⍝ where are special chars used? array←{⊃{⍺,',',⍵}/⍵}¨↓array ⍝ separate fields by comma r←⊃,/array,¨⊂sep ⍝ make it simpel ((r='¯')/r)←'-'
⍝ Example: #.Array2CsvWithDyalog 2 3⍴'APL' 'really "really" is' 'fine, very fine' 1 2.2 ¯3 APL,"really ""really"" is","fine, very fine" 1,2.2,-3
Author: KaiJaeger