Differences between revisions 6 and 17 (spanning 11 versions)
Revision 6 as of 2009-02-05 14:31:48
Size: 947
Editor: KaiJaeger
Revision 17 as of 2009-07-25 17:36:54
Size: 1150
Editor: KaiJaeger
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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=== A Practical Introduction to APL1 and APL2 ===
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 * '''A Practicle Introduction to APL1 and APL2''', 56 pages, £9.99, ISBN 0952416719 {{attachment:APL1APL2.jpg}}
 * '''A Practicle Introduction to APL3 and APL4''', 196 pages, £29.99, ISBN 0952416727 {{attachment:APL3APL4.jpg}}
 ||||'''A Practical Introduction to APL1 and APL2''' ||
 ||<|5> {{attachment:APL1APL2.jpg}} ||
 ||56 pages ||
 ||£9.99 ||
 ||ISBN [[http://www.amazon.co.uk/APL-Introduction-Graeme-Donald-Robertson/dp/0952416719/ref=sr_11_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1233844677&sr=11-1|0952416719]] (link to Amazon) ||
 ||[[http://misc.aplteam.com/robertson/APL1&2.pdf|Download as a free PDF]] ||
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Both can be ordered from [[http://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=nb_ss_w_h_?url=search-alias=aps&field-keywords=apl+graeme+donald+robertson&x=0&y=0|Amazon]] and others. The first one can be [[attachment:APL1&2.pdf | downloaded from the APL wiki]].
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 * AjayAskoolum’s '''System Building with APL+WIN''' is available from [[http://www.amazon.co.uk|Amazon UK]]  ||||'''A Practical Introduction to APL3 and APL4''' ||
 ||<|5> {{attachment:APL3APL4.jpg}} ||
 ||196 pages ||
 ||£29.99 ||
 ||ISBN [[http://www.amazon.co.uk/APL-Introduction-Graeme-Donald-Robertson/dp/0952416727/ref=sr_11_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1233844796&sr=11-1|0952416727]] (link to Amazon) ||
 ||[[http://misc.aplteam.com/robertson/APL3&4.pdf|Download as a free PDF]] ||
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 * StephenTaylor is writing [[DBook]], an introduction to APL for programmers.

=== System Building with APL+WIN ===
AjayAskoolum’s '''System Building with APL+WIN''' is available from [[http://www.amazon.co.uk|Amazon UK]]
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 * [[http://www.acm.org/sigapl/qq.htm|QuoteQuad]] the journal of ACM SIG-APL

Books and publications


A Practical Introduction to APL1 and APL2

GraemeRobertson published two books in 2008:

System Building with APL+WIN

AjayAskoolum’s System Building with APL+WIN is available from Amazon UK


  • Vector the journal of the British APL Association]

BooksAndPublications (last edited 2017-02-16 19:47:02 by KaiJaeger)