Differences between revisions 1 and 2
Revision 1 as of 2009-02-16 20:52:35
Size: 1139
Editor: BobSmith
Revision 2 as of 2009-06-12 06:54:04
Size: 1175
Editor: KaiJaeger
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## page was renamed from Bob Smith

Bob Smith

Email: <bsmith AT SPAMFREE sudleyplace DOT com>

APL became second nature ever since I first started using it in 1969. Two years later, I joined STSC just so I could devote more time to studying and contributing to the language. I've never stopped thinking about APL even when I left the field to start my own company where I would model tricky algorithms in APL before translating them into Intel assembler. As you can see from my APL Projects page, my interests tend towards system-level, and at times, obscure and useless areas.

In the early 1980s I designed and implemented NARS (Nested Arrays Research System) which turned into the first commercially available implementation of nested arrays. A quarter of a century later, I designed and implemented NARS2000, as an Open Source, Experimental APL Interpreter.


BobSmith (last edited 2009-06-12 06:54:04 by KaiJaeger)