= BAA London Venues = We tend to meet in pubs which provide some sort of space for us to talk. A little more than just leaning against the bar, we try to pick venues which have a quieter room, wifi access (if not we supply our own, but it has limited capacity) and decent food - and good beer, of course. Due to cost constraints, this pushes our meetings into the middle of the afternoon as central London pubs will otherwise charge a considerable amount for the space we occupy. This means we tend to meet at 2pm on the last Friday of the month, with the intention of the meeting starting formally at 3pm. Currently our most regular venue is <> The Knights Templar, 95 Chancery Lane, Holborn, London, WC2A 1DT [[http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?q=WC2A%201DT|map]] <> Although we also use The Albion, 2/3 New Bridge Street, London, EC4V 6AA (where the BAA AGM was recently held).[[http://www.thealbionlondon.com/ | website]] & [[http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?q=EC4V+6AA&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-a&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=London+EC4V+6AA,+United+Kingdom&gl=uk&ei=VmdNTKesLc7KjAfkh43YDA&ved=0CBYQ8gEwAA&z=16 | map]] and have used The Edgar Wallace, 40 Essex Street, London, WC2R 3JE‎ [[http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=The+Edgar+Wallace&gl=uk&g=95+Chancery+Lane,+London+WC2A+1DT&ie=UTF8&ll=51.512776,-0.112782&spn=0.008159,0.018411&z=16&iwloc=A | map]] Our July 2010 "away day" was at Dyalog's office in Bramley: Minchens Court, Minchens Lane, Bramley, Hampshire, RG26 5BH [[http://dyalog.com/contact.htm| directions]] ---- CategoryBaaLondon