APL to Unicode

Whilst the material described below relates specifically to APL+WIN is should be readily customisable to work with any APL interpreter that is not already unicode capable.

Currently the APL to unicode functions write the unicode to native text files from which it can be cut and pasted into emails, newsgroups, web pages etc. Similarly the unicode to APL function requires the unicode to be cut and pasted from its source into a native text file prior to conversion.

The unicode can be copied and pasted to the text files using MSNotePad with the APL385 Unicode font. Also make sure you select UTF-8 as the encoding when doing a "Save as" when you save a file.

My original aim was to work directly via the clipboard but the amount of APL code required to manage the windows clipboard is prohibitive for displaying here. APL+WIN has in-built user commands (]clipcopy and ]clippaste) to do the job and I suggest APL+WIN users use those if they want to go directly via the clipboard. Users of other interpreters no doubt have their own equivalents they can use.

AplToUtf8 takes the name of a function and converts the code to Unicode UTF-8 encoding. As it stands this function simply deals with whole functions but can easily be generalised to work with any character string input. For a quick and dirty job just comment out the first two lines of working code for it to work on simple character input.

 ∇  AplToUtf8 f

⍝Get a character representation of the function
f←⎕cr f

⍝Append new line and carriage return characters

⍝Convert each character to its unicode binary value
f←∊Utf8 ¨∆avutf8[⎕av⍳,f]

⍝Add the encoding level header and convert back to ascii characters
f←82 ⎕dr 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1,f

⍝File the character stream
f FileData 'c:\unicode.txt'

Utf8 which is called under each (¨) in the above simply implements the UTF-8 specification to create the unicode byte structure for each character. Anyone interested in the byte structure can see it here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTF-8 and scroll down to the Description section.

 ∇ r←Utf8 c

  ⍝Determine the number of bytes required to represent the character in unicode
   r←+/(⌈/((21⍴2)⊤c)/⌽⍳21)>0 7 11 16

  ⍝Convert the character to bytes according to the UTF-8 specification
   :Select r
   :Case 1
   :Case 2
       r←⍎⍕(1 1 0,5↑r),1 0,5↓r←(11⍴2)⊤c
   :Case 3
       r←⍎⍕(1 1 1 0,4↑r),(1 0,6↑4↓r),1 0,10↓r←(16⍴2)⊤c
   :Case 4
       r←⍎⍕(1 1 1 1 0,3↑r),(1 0,6↑3↓r),(1 0,6↑9↓r),1 0,15↓r←(21⍴2)⊤c

The function FileData is a simple utility function to file the result. I am sure you all have your own versions.

Utf8ToApl is the reverse function. It assumes that the unicode resides in a native text file.

 ∇  r←Utf8ToApl;v

⍝Tie the native file containing the unicode
'c:\unicode.txt' ⎕ntie ¯1

⍝Read the bits from the file
v←⎕nread ¯1 11,(⎕nsize ¯1),0

⍝Untie the file
⎕nuntie ¯1

⍝Initialise the results vector

⍝Convert the bits to integers

⍝Strip off the encoding header if present
:if 617=+/3↑v

⍝Decode the unicode bytes back to integers in accordance with the UTF-8 specification
:while 0≠⍴v

⍝Determine how many bytes represent the next character
    :select +/(↑v)>0 127 223 239
    :case 1
    :case 2
    :case 3
    :case 4


⍝Convert unicode integers back to ⎕av characters

∆avutf8 is a vector used to map the APL+WIN ⎕AV positions to their unicode code-points.

    0    1    2 9079 8900  168 8592    7    8    9   10 8834   12   13 8835 9055
   16   17   18 9067   20   21 9068 9077 8593 8595 8594   27 8867 8866 9035 9042
   32   33   34   35   36   37   38   39   40   41   42   43   44   45   46   47
   48   49   50   51   52   53   54   55   56   57   58   59   60   61   62   63
   64   65   66   67   68   69   70   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79
   80   81   82   83   84   85   86   87   88   89   90   91   92   93   94   95
   96   97   98   99  100  101  102  103  104  105  106  107  108  109  110  111
  112  113  114  115  116  117  118  119  120  121  122  123  166  125  126  127
  199  252  233  226  228  224 8800  231  234  235  232  239  238 8968  196 8970
  201 8710  215  244  246 9109  251 9054 9017  214  220  162  163   63 9066 9064
  225  237  243  250  241  209 9053 9024  191 9015  337  248  253  161  171  187
 9109 9109 9109  124  124  124  124   43   43  124  124   43   43   43   43   43
  192  193  194  195  196  197  198  199  200  201  202  203  204  205  206  207
   45  209  210  211  212  213  214   43  216  217  218  219  220  221  124  255
 9082  223 9075 9060  227 9073 8869 8868 9021 8854 9074 9023 8711 9033 8714 9067
 8801 9049 8805 8804 9045 9038  247   34 8728 9675 8744 9076 8745  175  124    0

I used the functions to convert themselves into unicode for the wiki. They should readily translate to any interpreter if not usable directly.

Anyone wishing to create their own versions for another interpreter needs firstly to create the appropriate translation vector for their interpreter. To get you started I have reproduced the APL+WIN atomic vector below. Another excellent resource is Adrian Smith's article in Vector http://www.vector.org.uk/resource/uniref.pdf.

   ⍷◊¨←    ⊂  ⊃⍟åæì⍫ÙÒ⍬⍵↑↓→ ⊣⊢⍋⍒ !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?

I could not resist the challenge when one reader commented that these functions were not very "APL like" so I created a new set at AplToUnicodeII

Author: GrahamSteer


AplToUnicode (last edited 2009-01-17 09:47:54 by anonymous)