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First thing to note is that this page is useful only when displayed in the Text editor.

This page contains examples of the most common (but not all) formatting tasks. It is probably the easiest way to find out how to solve every-day formatting problems.

For a complete reference see HelpOnEditing

Paragraphs without and with embedded APL code

When writing a paragraph, remember that in HTML whitespace is ignored. So this is shown as an ordinary paragraph while when editing it you will see that it is not. Not exactly at least.

You can embed APL code in a paragraph: {{⍵/⍨2=+⌿0=⍵∘.|⍵}⍳⍵} is an example.

One paragraph is separated from another by a blank line.

APL Code

To enter a block of APL code:

    Prim 10
2 3 5 7

Note that a blank at the beginning provokes indention as it does with ordinary paragraphs:

There are all sorts of different links available. See HelpOnLinking for all details. The most common links can be divided into three categroies:

By using CamelCase one creates an implicit or automatic link in MoinMoin. This is by far the easiest way to create a link.

Pages with blanks in their name

If their is a page with the name "This is a valid Page name", you can link to it: This is a valid Page name

This is an example of a fully-fledged description (don't click at this link!) of where a link will point to but without showing the page name at all. This kind of link is called a free link.

To link to the APL-related page in the Wikipedia: APL_programming_language

This can also be a free link: Information about APL in the Wikipedia

If you want the URL itself to be the link text:

Or as a free link: Vector, the respected magazine of BAA

The fact that CamelCasing creates a link automatically is sometimes unwanted. For example, when you refer to the software package SubVersion, you might or might not want it to become a link.

Bold, italic und stuff

This is bold, this is italic and this is both.

You can also cross out pieces of text; nice feature to emphasize a change.


Note the blank at the beginning of each line in the editor - won't work without it!

Ordered Lists

  1. First entry
  2. Second entry

Unordered Lists


Table are not exactly easy in MoinMoin I am afraid.

Main Customers












Sub Headings

Sub-sub Headings
